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Author's note: This is a really boring chapter, so sorry, but I would like to thank the two people that have commented on my story so far, I was pissing myself that it was gonna be hate comments but I'm glad you guys liked it. Ngl it made me giggle and kick my feet so that got me more motivated to continue the story. I wasn't really persistent on posting since I didn't think anyone would actually read it, but I'll try not to take too long to post chapters 🫶

You were at Kiwi's place, helping her out while she deep dived. David and Maine were talking on the other side of the curtain that separated the tub from the couch of the living area, and could overhear the conversation.

While she was focusing, you were at the monitor tracking her progress while Maine told David he could keep Pilar's gold arm implants that were a big part of him. David declined, saying he had his eye on something else.

Of course, the kid dreamed big, referring to Maine's arm implants instead, that carried guns inside. Maine laughed at the boy's big talk, but agreed on them being his after he died.

You too were surprised at how bold the request was, not even being sure if David could even grow to be big enough to carry such big implants, but that was his problema to figure out.

You tried minding your own business, but couldn't help peek on the side of the curtain when you hear main pointing out something different about the boy. Saying he had this happier aura to him, opposite of the usual moping he always had, which you disagreed to. Of course, the bigger man being wise as he was couldn't help himself to assume the boy had finally gotten laid.

  You immediately turn your neck back to face the screen in front of you, eyes wide questioning if David said anything to anyone, or if Main could smell the hormones off his body. Your thoughts were interrupted when kiwi quickly unplugged herself from the tub and made her way to the two men, butt ass naked.

That was your cue to follow behind her and have seat next to her while she went over what she was able to find witch wasn't much, considering she was digging for information in one of Arasaka's top executives.

You brought out one of your holograms, checking again the information you had overall, while they gave a rundown to David about Tanaka, the one who you were all trying to find dirt on, noticing the name struck a chord on David.

"Well well well, what do we have here? You were in the same class as Tanaka's kid?" Kiwi said, you look over at David, already knowing he attended that school but didn't know he had contact with the target's son.

Maine was shocked, he wasn't aware David attended such a high end school, not really being a fan that he use to "walk with the enemy" but now understanding Gloria's grind.

"Straight A student too!" You say actually surprised, looking at his grades before he left the school, you figured the boy had no interest in studying at all.

It hurt you a bit, now understanding Gloria's frustration, the boy had so much potential and now that she was gone, if felt as if it was being wasted.

"You ever heard a thing called privacy?" David deadpanned.

"Don't worry, we already went through everything I could find on you. I know all your little secrets!" You smirk at him, trying to intimidate him a little.

"Welp, didn't find anything of interest in Tanaka's personal drive, lotta noise lotta trash." Said kiwi a bit disappointed.

However, they did find some kinky shit on his viewing log witch seemed to peek Maine's interest as it could be used for some leverage, pointing out how the fact that if was mostly gore and not porn.

【Glitch】Cyberpunk: Edgerunners | David x fem ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora