Part 1

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It was a sunny day. Not too hot nor cold. The weather made people's mood so good that they were working more passionately.

With a bright smile Yoon Elarin had started her day, expecting it to go smoothly.

But again some trash landing on her, made her happiness turn into fury.

The golden nameplate on her desk shone brightly, reflecting the sunlight.

Chairwoman Yoon Ela Rin.

Who was known as Ella more in the industrial world. The youngest Chairwoman in the whole country & the owner of Daesang which won the 2nd highest ranking all around Korea in fashion business.

Right then, she banged hard on the table with her fist making the man in front flinch as he bowed his head more.

"This is not what I expected from you manager Kang! Oh sorry, you're no more a manager now. So is this what I expected from you Kang Samyeong?"

"I apologize miss Yoon. I promise nothing like this will happen in future."

"Excuse me? Do you think I don't know what's going on?"


She scoffed leaning back on her chair. "Mister Samyeong I got all the recordings of what you have been doing so far. I didn't want to but just for my company's reputation I'm letting it slide so you should also cooperate and get the hell out of my company... You're fired!"

His eyes widened as he heard her and pleaded, "Ma'am please. I swear I won't do anything like this in future. Please don't do this how am I supposed to live without a job."

"that's surely not my concern. What is, is that I can't afford having some backstabbers asses in my company such as you who leaks all the important infos instead of a shitty amount of money maybe? Please don't worsen my mood. pack your stuff and get outta here within an hour." she said and diverted her attention to the monitor in front of her.

"alright.. I'll see what the fuck you're going to do after this. You know nothing Yoon." Ella looked up at him hearing his sudden change of tone and her surname from his mouth. He smirked and said, "You don't know what's coming next."

She raised an eyebrow tilting her head. "oh yeah?.. Okay, let's see what's coming next. But for now I want you to move your ugly face away from me." she said and motioned her hands towards the door for him to leave. "the exit is over there."

He glared at her for the last time and turned around to leave. As he reached the door and was about to get out, her voice stopped him.

"And try to change that disgusting smirk of yours too. You look like a cringe teenager who won a silly bet." he turned his gaze at her to see she was forcing a smile to him and left slamming the door.

Hours passed, two knocks on the door as Ella gave permission to enter.

The door opened, revealing a young lady. She was tall around 5'5 and had long reddish black hair which was tied into a high ponytail. Her eyes were round and black.

The vibe she radiated felt like she could kill anyone with her cold gaze and face. "dealt with that jerk?" she asked. Her voice was a little deep.


"You got a meeting in thirty minutes."

"hmm. Everything's ready right?"

"Yes.. I'll leave then."

"wait, Eunseo."


Ella flashed a smile getting up from her seat and reached her. She held her hands and lightly squeezed them. "Thanks."

"what for?" she frowned.

"Oh come on! You think I don't know that you got the footages?"

Eunseo bit her lips knowing she got caught.

"Ayy! I'm your Sister! I could just say from seeing that you've done these."

"Hehe." her cold gaze had turned into a bubbly one by then.

'Don't judge a book by it's cover' really went with her.

Yoon Eunseo surely had a cold face but her personality didn't match with that at all.

At the first sight she looked like a ruthless young woman but actually she was the biggest cinnamon roll.

Though she was an ambivert, but it didn't make her loose her confidence at all.

She had the type of personality and some skills which one would die for.

For then she didn't want to take much responsibilities and just worked as Ella's assistant but assistant was just a tag.

She was referred as the second boss. And unknowingly she herself had done much more than what an assistant would do.

"but how did you find out?"

"well... That night when we were talking about how The Lee's suddenly broke the contract with us. I felt a little suspicious about that and next day I talked with the security team and found out that the security cameras near you cabin were all suddenly turned off on Tuesday. So I tried to look into it more and found out at the time being, Kang Samyeong wasn't present in his office so yeah.. I just.. Uh.... "


"well I hacked Sam's computer." she closed her eyes expecting to get a big scolding from Ella but it was all silent for a few moments.

Ella sighed. "You know it wasn't the right way right?"

"I know!.. Just forgive me this time. I promise I'll talk to you at first before taking any big step from now on.''

"... Okay. Just this once as the culprit really turned out to be him. But you gotta keep your promise, hm?"

Eunseo smiled widely and hugged her sister.

"now go. I need to finish a file."

"hm bye bye!" Eunseo said and got out of the room as Ella shook her head watching her silly way of walking.

So I was going to say that I got some weird humor so I'll grant an amount of them to Eunseo.

Ik yk I'm generous. 😌✨

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