"I know it's your gift, I think he likes you that's way he gift you a infinite sign of bracelet stupid" Bin said yeon gasp and cupped his both cheeks.

"It's not true, I'm sure he didn't know about this symbol too, you want me to tell him about this symbol." Yeon ask looking at him with his big bambi eyes bin rub his forehead in frustration and shook his head.

"Everyone knows about this sigh and i'm dead sure shop keeper also told him about this." Bin said confidently yeon sigh and hide his face in his palm.

"What happened yeon?" Bin ask softly and caresses his back he look at him.

"I don't want to think about it and hurt myself in the end bin." Yeon said

"I think he likes Nancy noona." He mumble sobin furrows and raise his eyebrows.

"What made you think like that?" Bin asked confusedly he sigh fiddling with his hem and told him about fresher party jae didn't refused to dance with her nor glare at her like he did with others.

"Maybe both are good friend we can't judge their feeling just based on the dance." Bin said he nods his head.

"So, why are you judging his feeling about me? just because of a bracelet."
Yeon ask blankly

"Because no one gave this much expensive gift to anyone top of that diamond and with infinite sign." Bin said determination yeon gets up.

"Bin i'm going to liberary because my philosophy professor didn't came today so there will be no class." Yeon said while taking his bag back bin nods his head and gets up too.

"Now you are ignoring me." Bin said he shook his head 'I don't want to talk about this.' Yeon mumble he nods his head and patted on his shoulder.

"Okay, I will come in the liberary after my class." Bin said he said an ok and left the rooftop and made their ways towards their destination.


Yeon came inside the liberary he took some books from shelves and take a corner seat and start reading his book thoroughly.

A pair of eyes admiring him the moment yeon enter inside the liberary he sigh then focus on his book.

Yeon immense in his study he flinch when someone knock on his desk he look at the hand his heart rapidly start beating fastly he knows who's hand it is.

He slowly look up gulping his saliva and look at the person with his cute wide bambi eyes. Here standing his crush Jaebeom.

"Hey yeon may I." Jae ask politely pointing to chair he nods instantly.

"Yes plea...se." Yeon said nervously and smile a little and clench his book because he is feeling so much swirl in his stomach.

Plus Soobin words playing in his mind it's making him more blush and so much different types of alein feelings

Jae sat in the chair saying thank you he smile widely when he saw yeon wear his gifted bracelet yeon notice his gaze on his wrist.

Jae sat in the chair saying thank you he smile widely when he saw yeon wear his gifted bracelet yeon notice his gaze on his wrist

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