Dalia didn't say a word, relief laced with an inkling of discontent. Was that the reason why he wasn't in the Harem?

"Instead Malika has invited you to join her and Sahiba Haifa," Meera continued.

Dalia opened her mouth, ready to decline the invitation but paused. She pondered for a moment, then sat up straight.

"Send word that I have accepted the invitation," she affirmed, and just as Meera was about to leave, she stopped her.

"Not you, I have another task for you. A very important one,"

Meera's eyes widened, intrigued by the sudden fervor in the Princess.

"Yes, Sahiba?"

Dalia gave her a mischievous smile. "Find me the most flamboyant frock to wear,"


Thaina sat patiently amongst an impressive spread of delicacies, her stomach growling in temptation. It had almost been two hours since she had sent the invite to the princess, and despite confirmation of her acceptance, she had not arrived. Thaina was beginning to doubt she would come.

She turned to Haifa who was taking slow sips of her ruby-red pomegranate juice.

"Haifa, please start," She offered for the fifth time that hour, gesturing to the food. But Haifa shook her head.

"It would be rude of me to begin without the Princess here,"

"Ya Allah Haifa, you have a baby to feed. Will you please start eating?" Thaina pressed, placing a cheese fatayer on her plate. "We don't even know if she will show..."

"She has accepted, so she will come inshaAllah," Haifa smiled optimistically.

Thaina sighed.

"And besides, I do not want to make a bad impression on her first day here," Haifa added.

"I am sure she is understanding enough to excuse a pregnant woman from feeding her growing baby," Thaina sighed.

Haifa's lips pressed into a thin line.

Thaina frowned. "I'm sorry Habibti, I'm just-"

"Nervous, I know. It's ok," Haifa said, patting her arm. "We both promised our husbands we would help her to settle in, and that's what we are doing,"

Thaina nodded.

Haifa turned to her side, where she knew another person was feeling just as nervous as her sister-in-law.


"Yes Sahiba?" responded her handmaiden, who rushed to her side.

"You don't have to stay if you do not feel comfortable," Haifa suggested.

"I am well Sahiba,"

"I insist, I don't want you to feel unsettled around the Princess,"

Salma shook her head, tucking in the strands that slipped from her loose covering. "I will stay Sahiba,"

On the other side of the doors to the tea room, Dalia had halted in her steps. Whilst getting ready, she had mentally prepared herself for this moment, but a flicker of doubt struck her at the last moment. She gazed down at her heavily embellished maroon velvet skirt and felt uneasy. Once she had started this game, she would have to follow through with it for the rest of her life. A life she would lead just as the twin's mother had. Did she want to become just as spiteful as their mother was?

Dalia hated how weak she had become. This was unlike her; to let her worries get the best of her, but here she was hesitating at the doors. Back in Rughad, she was strong-willed and unbreakable against the envy of her enemies. She wouldn't let any doubtful whispers stop her from achieving her goals. Numbing her emotions was the only way she had survived, but since leaving, they had leaked through the cracks in her wall.

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