Episode 17: The Rise of the Lost Soldiers (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"So what's our next move?" Bree ask.


A video call connects to the lab, showing the President with Krane behind him.

"Krane!" Mr Davenport says "Aw, nice job, Mr. President, you caught Krane...Our work here is done" Adam says.

"do what you want but don't negotiate with this man" the president says "I don't negotiate" Krane says.

Harper approaches the screen "...aw Harper, darling you've grown so much since we last met" Krane says "uhg! and you seem to get uglier every time" Harper says.

"How did you escape?" Leo ask "It's amazing what an army of bionic teenagers can do when they really put their minds together, Oh, you heard the news my daughter, you have sibilings!" Krane says, he laughs lightly.

"I'm not your daughter!!" Harper fusses, Chase puts a hand on her shoulder.

"We're onto you, Krane... We know you're using your Triton app to control them" Chase says.

"Oh, I'm not just controlling them. Now that I've perfected this technology, I can transmit the Triton app to anyone" Krane says "That's what you were talking about!" Leo tells Harper, she closes her eyes and nods.

"Allow me to demonstrate" Krane says He pulls out a device that puts the President under the Triton app.

"Well, will you look at that? Now the most powerful man in the world...is under my control" Krane says laughing.

"Why are you doing this, Krane?" Mr Davenport says "Ordinary humans are inferior...My soldiers have proven that. So together, we're gonna create
one nation-state under bionic rule" Krane says.

"That's your plan? To create a bionic dictatorship?" Chase says "you sick!" Harper says.

"No one in their right mind would ever bow down to you" Bree says "That's the point, if it takes their minds they all bow" Harper says.

"She thinks like a Krane, I raised you that way, if you weren't so silly you could be better than me" Krane says "the thing is i AM better than you" Harper smirk.

"Once my Triton signal connects with the government's satellites, it'll beam an electromagnetic wave over the entire planet, then...I'll be the most powerful man in the world" Krane says.

"Good luck. You can't access the government's satellites without the classified security code" Douglas says "Oh, right" Krane says to President, he enters code while under influence of Triton app.

"You had to talk right!?" Harper says "Well, he obviously planned this out" Douglas says.

"There. Now the satellites are orbiting right into the path of my Triton signal. Don't you just love technology?" Krane says and ends the call.


"Krane's army is constructing a satellite dish. That must be how they're gonna transmit the signal" Chase says.

"Okay, we have to shut it down" Adam says "it's not that easy with so many
soldiers" Harper says thoughtfully.

"We don't have a choice. If Krane succeeds, it'll be the end of the world as we know it" Douglas says.

"He's right, but if you're gonna face a whole army, I'm gonna have to max out your bionics, Douglas, go and find us our most powerful weapons!" Mr Davenport says.

"weapons?...Harper I have something for you" Chase says he quickly leaves to get something "for me?" Harper says.

"and Leo !" Mr Davenport says "I know, stay here and monitor everything on the com-set" Leo says "No, not this time. You're coming with us" Mr Davenport says, you've earned the right to fight alongside this family" Mr Davenport says.

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