Episode 11: The DavenMaze

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Douglas and Mr Davenport lead everyone to an abandoned shed.

"What is this place?" Leo asks lighting a flashlight "this was one of my oldest labs" Douglas says.

"Is this where you came after I stole them from you?" Mr Davenport asks "yeah Donny and this is where I planned my revenge and built Marcus" Douglas says "ugh! Marcus!" Leo rolls his eyes.

"So a lair?" Harper smirk "It's not a lair, it's just the place where my evil plans took over" Douglas says "A lair!" Chase smiles in agreement with Harper.

"It's not a lair, what do you guys think I'm the joker!?" Douglas says irritably "Do you know who the joker is?" Leo

"What does this advance do!" Adam says, Mr Davenport hit his hand "Adam! don't touch anything!" Mr Davenport says.

"Uhg why this place is so dark and gross and so many cobwebs" Bree says "cuz it's a lair" Harper says "It's not a lair!" Douglas says angrily "okay isn't it, the cobwebs and bad lighting it's because Douglas has terrible taste in decorating"
Harper says.

"What are we doing here again?" Adam asks "Douglas and I are trying to increase the security of the lab and all of Davenport Industries, now that the whole world knows about you guys All care is little" Mr Davenport says.

"This is the place with the best security structure I've ever created" Douglas says "let's look for the blueprints and all the security files of this place, anything can be useful" Mr Davenport says.

"I did a scan of the site but I can't see anything" Chase says "it's because I created this place to block the signal from some of your bionics, but that will only work with the older ones" Douglas says.

"relax I'll take care of it" Harper says
putting on glasses.

"what's with those glasses of yours anyway?" Adam asks "they do something amazing you won't believe it" she says adjusting her glasses "uh what?" Adam says excitedly "cures myopia, makes me see" Harper says, Adam makes a serious face.

"I'm kidding, I mean they do that too but I added a few extra things" Harper says looking around "Like what?" Bree asks "basic stuff really, night vision, thermo scanner, and x-ray" Harper says.

Harper looks Chase up and down with her glasses "ducklings Chase? Are you 8?" Harper smiles, Chase's eyes widen and pulls his bag in front of him "uh... it's just that...is laundry day" Chase says uncomfortably, Harper laughs.

"can you see anything?" Mr Davenport asks "Did you set up a mobile structure?" Harper asks "Since you mentioned....This whole place is basically one huge trap" Douglas says "What?" Everyone asks.


"what do you mean a big trap Douglas, what are you talking about?" Chase asks.

"if one of you steps in a place you shouldn't, this whole place will turn into what I like to call the DavenMaze" Douglas says "I can't believe you stole DavenMaze's idea, that was my idea!" Mr Davenport says.

"What is a DavenMaze!?" Leo asks "what's with this need to name everything after you?" Harper asks "Yeah, didn't you realize it never gets good?" Bree says.

"well, the initial idea for DavenMaze came when I was 15 and wanted to have my own challenge program, you know the ones with multiple challenges, where teams have to go through fake quicksand, or those walls that throw balls at you" Mr Davenport says excitedly "Oh I know those shows that old people watch" Leo says.

"well I adapted the idea,and I turned Donny's friendly maze into a deadly maze" Douglas says "this place
doesn't look like a maze to me" Adam says looking around.

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