Episode 9: you posted what? (Part 1)

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At school, Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo enter the school, everyone is looking at their cellbphones, and also at them, all whispering, some scared.

"What's everybody lookin' at?" Bree
aks,Perry approaches them "A new viral video, Guess what it's called? "The World's First Bionic Humans"" Perry says "What?!" All say confused "Wait, there are other bionic people? Then why are we working so hard?" Adam says "She's talking about us" Chase says.

Harper comes running in "Guys!" Harper says "did you show them?" Harper asks Perry "I was about to do that if you didn't come along and ruin everything" Perry says "look at your tone Terry!" Harper says.

"look at this!" Harper shows their video on her cell phone "That's yesterday's mission" Chase says "Somebody filmed us" Bree says "Your secret's out. Everybody's gonna know you're bionic" Leo says "it's a 'everyone will know' on a global scale" Harper says.

"Never mind that, Now I can't blackmail Daddy Big Bucks anymore. My gravy train just ran right off the tracks!" Perry says frustrated "Really? That's what you're thinking!?....You guys should have gotten rid of her when she was the only one" Harper says quietly to Adam, he nods in agreement.

"Everyone's looking at us" Bree says "Quit your staring, Scram! So they're bionic, Get to class before they mow you down with their finger missiles" Perry tells the students, she leaves.

Some students are staring at them in the corner by the stairs "what are you staring at? So pissed off that they're Bionic, and nicer than you guys?....oh go cry over there!!" Harper says angry, helping to get rid of students.

"How could this happen? What are we gonna do?" Bree says "I don't know. We're in big trouble" Chase says.

"Wait! I know how we can fix this! We'll convince everyone the video was made with special effects....You know, like those fake videos Adam's always watching" Leo says "So "Giant Baby Eats Tokyo" is fake? I should've known. Where are they gonna get a diaper that big?" Adam says.

"Leo, that might actually work" Chase says "Well, first, we better go tell Mr. Davenport" Bree says "Wait, is "Giant Baby Eats London" fake too? Because I just sent 50 bucks to the victim's relief fund" Adam says.

Everyone runs out Adam and Harper stay behind "how many times have I told you to stop watching these videos....they're going to wipe out what few neurons you have left" Harper says "Sometimes I think the problem is with you.... that you should lose some!" Adam tilts his head smiling, Harper rolls her eyes and leaves.


They go to the Davenport mansion, they come in desperate,"Mr. Davenport!" Chase screams "We just heard" Mr Davenport and Tasha walks in.

"What are we gonna do?" Tasha ask "I say we sell Chase to the circus and use the money to start our new life" Adam says, Chase frowns.

"Big D, I know how we can spin this" Leo says, Douglas walks in "No, No. Were way past spinning this, Leo. That's video all over the news. Experts have verified the footage wasn't manipulated" Douglas says,pointing at the tv with the video playing on the news.

"People all over the world are freaking out!" Douglas says "Oh, of course they are, They just saw Chase in a skin-tight mission suit" Adam say, Harper lets out a light laugh, Chase looks at her irritated, she clears her throat making a serious face.

"Douglas is right. This is way too big to spin" Mr Davenport says "I can't believe this. You guys are the biggest news story ever, and I got scooped!" Tasha says, everyone looks at her confused.

"Oh you worried about your news!? What about me? When they realize that I'm connected to you guys, they'll suspend my pardon and I'll go to jail...again!" Harper says worried.

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