Bonus Chapter

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Hello, author here! It may seem like I abandoned this story, but I did not! Let's say I have a long life of working with school and stuff. Here is a bonus chapter that came from my dream one year ago. I wanted to publish here, so I will never forget. ENJOY!!!


The beautiful moon shines in the middle of the dark sparkly night. Many snoozes and ZZZzzzz's can be heard with the soft breeze. One will say, it is such a lovely night. Another will say, do you think heroes are robots? Since they do not eat or sleep? I hear one complaint, "YOU ARE RIDICULOUS UTTERLY Ridiculous." 

(Okay I'm just kidding  XD  )

The night was quiet.  Everyone seems to be asleep, even the heroes and villains. 

At least that it appears to be....

Above the roofs and chimneys, there is a school on its own property. This is the place where students get to learn and usually something goes missing. Possibly, a magical book or sport equipment suddenly "disappeared." 

All the dust the school roof collected fell. Above the building, there are two shadowy figures. 

Step on one~~~

Step on two~~~

Step on three~~~

One ~~~two ~~~~three~~~~~~

One figure has a blue tail with stripes on it. 

Two blue ears wiggle on his head. His eyes can be seen from afar. 

Friends or enemies know that he always has a smile and obsession with cat-like speed. 

His dance partner's beauty reflects the night sky with pure white dots and shaded with gradient blue.  No matter the appearance, his worry and comfort towards his 49 purple kids always shine brighter.  

Blue combined with blue makes more blue!

I do not need to see who they are. My heart and mind whispered their names~~~~~~

It is adorable to see both of them on top of the roof as if no one else is watching. Welp, I am. If any heroes, close friends, and villians found out, they will squeal and be shocked....

It is better to have their moment...


Every few seconds, I see two figures becoming smaller and smaller as I go farther. Darkness surrounded my vision. I saw the luminous moon for the last time. The bright light greeted me....

There... There is my window... wide open. Droplets of happy tears have stained the glass. Trees move left to right five times as a saying of hello. Turned my head against the comfort of the pillow. I got up and realized one thing about this dream. No one else ever makes these two things. It is not really popular, but I adore them. "Time to make Ninjacat a thing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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