Ch. 2

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(Welcome back guys! Thank you for sticking with me and this story. Enjoy this)

Narrator: Silence crawled between them until NN aka Night Ninja spoke...

NN: "Hey there kitty cat. Are you lost?" I set down my comic book and patted this mysterious cat. Honestly, he or she looks familiar. Also the fur looks incredible. "You have a nice coating with stars like me. Hmmm what should I name you?"

Catboy or Kittyboy's Thoughts: Is he going to name me Night Ninja junior? Maybe Ninjalino? 

Narrator: "How about Ninja cat?" NN ask. Unexpectedly, Ninja Cat nuzzle NN with its stars. "You like the name don't you!" NN laughed as he embrace Ninja Cat. In the blink of an eye, NN said, "I bet the ninjalinos will like to meet you!" He got up in two feet and turned around. Before he went somewhere, he ordered Ninja Cat to stay where he is. NN walked to a nearby building and leaped. With two feet on the roof, he spotted 3 ninjalinos covering their eyes. "Ha, found you!" Night Ninja said victoriously. In unison, the minis sadly "awwww" at their loss. NN told them they are lucky to be found in order to see the surprise.

When NN found all the ninjalinos in count, 15, they saw the surprise. NN introduces Ninja Cat. Ninjalinos dash to Connor to pet it and few admire the appearance. Connor did not mind of having bits (Totally not a lot) of fans, but don't want to be treated as a pet. Connor noticed Night Ninja using his ninja power for something. He watched carefully and see him have a squeaky mouse toy. He walked with it towards Connor and gave it to him. In Connors thoughts, "Hey! I am not interested in that!" He thought that before a squeaky noise squeaks from the mouse. He snatched the purple mouse out of NN's hand. (Connor's thought again): "Nevermind!!"

(Narrator: I'll answer any questions that you may be asking! Where have I been? When do you post? Where did Night Ninja get that toy? Where did he get the Ninjalinos from? I can answer all but the last one. I was thinking of creating another book of theories of what I think is going on! I'm saying the "Pj Masks Theories! And may contain opinion ships!" I can rate any ships that people created! What do you guys think?)

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