And since it is my arm that is broken and I cannot do it myself, I can wait a bit longer to talk to Aless. "I guess I can eat some food." I reply dryly and she nods.

"Perfect! We will bring something up quickly." She responds but before she can exit, Lia stops her.

"Our mamma is on her way and she is bringing food. Will that be okay?"

"Of course, miss. I will be back in about an hour to escort you over to Signore Alessandro's room. If you are ready beforehand, just press the call button and either I or another nurse will come and take you over." She explains, bowing once again before exiting the room.

Lia closes the door behind her with a groan, then a sigh. "We need to fire her." she says quickly and my eyebrows furrow in question.

"What? Perché?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. (Why?)

"She was trying to hit on you. She kept biting her lip, giving you a weird look, and more than once I caught her looking you up and down. If there's any disrespect I have seen from anyone, it is that. Trying to flirt while you are injured in a hospital bed, trying to figure out what is going on and what your next move will be, it is just unbelievably rude." She explains, a hint of frustration and sadness in her voice. I know she is upset and stressed. We all care about each other a lot, and both of her brothers are currently lying in a hospital for gunshot wounds. She does not need to worry about me or this now.

"Lia Emma, I will deal with this later, I promise it will be justified, but there is no need to go and flip out on her. I would have turned her down either way so it is fine for now, but she will not be working here much longer." I reply and she nods, offering a small smile.

After a few minutes, mamma and papà show up, as mentioned before, with some food.

When she sees me, mamma pulls me in a hug. She presses a kiss against my cheek, fixing up my hair as well. "Do you feel okay, figlio? Is the room too cold? Or maybe too hot? Are you sure you want this food, I can make you something else-" I cut her off with a hand on her arm.

"Mamma I feel just fine. This food I know will be amazing, as is all of your cooking. I swear." I say and she nods, pressing another kiss to my cheek before going to sit down with my father. He stands up quickly and shakes my non-broken hand before sitting back down. He smiles widely at my mother, holding her hand and kissing her on the forehead.

She rests her legs upon his and he adjusts the straps on her small heels, when he realizes they are not on correctly. His hand rests on her cheek, playing with her hair and just looking at her with pure love.

My mother loved us, and my father cared for and respected us, but nothing, absolutely nothing came close to even comparing to the love they felt for each other. I saw it my entire life, the way they treated each other. It was unparalleled to the way they cared for anyone else. My father is a man of respect, business, and power. There is no person on this earth that he will bow down to, or take any orders from ever. Except for her. They're the perfect example of love.

"Figlio." Mamma calls out to get my attention. "I know this isn't exactly the time to bring this up, but we found you a very suitable girl-" Lia cuts them off.

"Mamma, calmati. He has a girlfriend, it will
be fine." My parents jaws drop and I see a look of excitement on their faces. This needs to stop happening. Aria needs to stop getting brought up. And Alessandro needs to shut his goddamn mouth.

They walk over to me right away as I scold Lia and she is silently laughing. "Who is she? What is her name? What does she look like? How long has this been going on?" I am bombarded with questions left and right from both of my parents as I simply try to chew on my spinach arancini.

Good Cop Gone Bad ~ RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now