Unsettling Rumors

Start from the beginning

"Very correct master Lagdon." Agreed Nord. Seeing the look on Lagdon's face, the older male wasted no time dismissing the younger trainees. I may be a weak human, but there was no way anyone here would dare try and dismiss me. "All right you three, that will be it for today. I suggest you work on your teamwork for next time."

The foxie and two goblins shuffled off with polite farewells and grumbles amongst themselves. I smiled, watching them leave. It made me happy to see goblins and the foxes getting along. Just a few short months ago the two races had been at war.

"What has gotten you looking so sour?" Nord asked Lagdon, the three of us standing in the empty training grounds. It was rare for no one else to be here, but the weather was nice. I assumed that most the others were enjoying what was left of it before the cold really set in. I was told that the winters here were not all that bad at least.

Lagdon sighed. "Just some unsettling rumors. Nothing to worry overly much about, but I plan on being kept abreast of the situation all the same."

"What situation?" I asked, worried.

Lagdon did not hesitate in answering me. It had never really been discussed, but we all had a bit of an unspoken understanding. I let the people run things as they saw fit- so long as they kept it peaceful- but if I ever asked to be let into the loop, they needed to tell me everything. To not do so would break the trust I held in them, making me wonder if I was being- at best- shielded from bad happenings, or -at worst- being intentionally kept in the dark about serious information.

"In the south of your lands there is a forest known only as The Dark." He said, explaining. "It is near the border of the human kingdom of Barsole. Apparently there have been some strange stirrings down there. Even stranger than usual."

"How do you mean?" I had never heard of the Dark, nor of this human kingdom. Maybe I should see if a proper map could be found in the papers and books Margund had sent me here at the estate. Brax had shown me a map once, but the foxes were not big book people and the map was very old.

"The Dark has long been a place that most peoples avoid at all costs." Explained Nord, scratching his chin. "It is said that much of Aeros' unused, soiled energies came to rest there. Beings like him, with unimaginable magical auras, tend to leak power and that power can warp the things around it- usually not for the better."

A place called The Dark that even monsters avoided. Well that did not sound good, not good at all. And it existed on my lands? great, another thing I would have to clear up I would imagine.

"It is filled with strange magics, ancient monsters, and even criminals." Lagdon told me, still looking worried.

"Criminals? What kind of criminals?"

"any kind." Said Nord. "Though, 'filled', might be stretching it. I rather doubt any monsters exiled there really manage to live all that long. There is a reason we avoid it. The only good thing about the place is that it provides a bit of a barrier between us and Barsole."

"And what is wrong with Barsole then?"

"It is a nation of humans who absolutly despise monsters. Monsters and demi-humans. All monsters are killed on sight and demi-humans are kept as slaves or worse."

I frowned, displeased. I could understand humans fearing monsters, and maybe even demi-humans, it was in the nature of the race to fear what it could not or would not understand. But out right extermination and slavery? that was a big no for me. And now I was worried. Aeros was gone, so what was keeping that nation from entering my lands where the monsters they despise so much live en mas? Apparently just a super spooky forest, that's what.

"So, what are these rumors you have been hearing?" Nord asked his prince.

"It is not uncommon to hear of strange happenings withing the borders of the forest, but I just received word from my brother's messenger that there have been strange happenings outside of those borders now." Lagdon said, pacing slightly as he thought. "Margund says that some trading partners from the south have brought him word that some think that there is a beast in the Dark, stirring up trouble."

"A beast? What the heck kind of description is that." I asked, annoyed due to worry.

Lagdon shrugged. "No one is willing to go farther in to see what it is, exactly. But they say that people have been disappearing from near-by settlements, and monsters that once called the lands close by have begun either vanishing or showing up dead. All the instances are so similar that Margund suspects that it is all due to the same person or thing. What that thing is, he has no clue. I am sure that if things progress much farther, he will likely send out a squad to check it out."

Nord nodded. "Gurten and the other goblin villages are a goodly distance from the issue, but..."

"But what?" I asked, not liking this one bit.

"But the estate is close enough to be worrisome. the lake is between us and the forest, but not all enemy's will be hindered by that." Lagdon told me. "Still, it is a weeks rohgek ride away, so we are in no immediate danger."

I wasn't so sure of that, but decided to take Lagdon's word for it. What was the point of having competent advisors if you didn't listen to them at least most of the time. Besides, I was not comfortable with the level of energies I had stored up just yet. It sounded like what ever was happening down there would likely cost me a lot to fix. Still, I doubted I would put the issue out of my mind, as I am sure the two hobgoblins before me hoped I would.

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