Chapter Twenty-One

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What team do you support?
Mine: FC Barcelona

La Almozara was a beautiful place in the Christmas period, Mapi drove through the streets filled with fond memories of her childhood and smiled at each corner, telling Jana of every story she could remember.

Jana had no trouble listening, loving how excited her girlfriend was at being back home and could only wish that she felt the same when visiting her family the two days before.

"We're here..." Mapi whispered, causing the brunette to laugh at her obvious nervousness yet it calmed when Jana grabbed hold of her hand with an assuring smile, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Calm me down within a second..." The athlete smiled softly, taking her time to observe her girlfriend in front of her who had obviously made an effort with her appearance—Mapi couldn't take her eyes off of her, in awe of her beauty.

"Must come with the job," Jana winked, now feeling nerves take over has as the pair exited the vehicle and approached the door.

"Breathe, princesa. They'll love you. I love you." Mapi reassured, quickly pecking her forehead then her cheek—pulling away when the door opened, and her mother Pilar opened the door with a welcoming grin.

Jana instantly felt safe in the woman's presence, as Pilar welcomed her into a tight embrace despite her daughter's embarrassed protests, "It's so nice to finally meet you... Mapi has told us a lot."

"I don't doubt that... It's nice to meet you, too."

"I love her, Mapi. How did you do it?"

"First of all, rude." Mapi rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing hold of her girlfriend's hand and led them inside to where her father and her older brother were sat around the table, "Second, you didn't say Javi would be here."

"It's Christmas, María." Her father, Javier bellowed and greeted his daughter as he ruffled her hair with his large hand. Whereas, when Javier stopped in front of Jana, he smiled brightly and patted her back—instead of a tight embrace, "Merry Christmas, and welcome to the family."

"Papa!" Mapi chastised, shaking her head at her siblings before gesturing the brunette to sit down beside her, "What are you doing here, Javi? I thought you were—"

"I heard my sister is in love, I needed to see it for myself," Javi winked, standing from the chair and approaching Jana with a large grin, "It's nice to meet you. Tell me, why do you like my sister?"

"I gave her my beauty, that's why." Pilar rolled her eyes, gesturing for everyone to sit back down at the table and they gawked at the well-decorated table, a lot of effort had been out into it—after Mapi's parents discovered she would bring her girlfriend with her.

"It's really beautiful what you have done here, Mrs Cebrián." Jana smiled at the older woman, whose eyes lightened at the therapist.

"Call me Pilar, I told you that we are family now." Pilar smiled heartily towards her, the air in the room turned warm and everyone fell into comforting chatter through the night.

Jana couldn't stop the smile on her lips, especially when Mapi's hand found hers underneath the table as her family were arguing with each other over who's cooking was the best—and of course, her mother won the argument.

Suddenly, a yell of the therapist's name caught her attention, her eyes darting in the direction of the kitchen then trailing towards her girlfriend whose expression was anxious.

Pushing herself out of the chair, Javier shook his head in amusement, "Good luck, querido."

Gulping down her nervousness, Jana's eyes slightly widened when Pilar and an unfamiliar, yet older woman was stood in the kitchen and cooking the food, looking towards the therapist when they heard the door creak.

"She is more beautiful than you say," The unfamiliar woman awed, slowly making her way towards Jana and holding her hands up to cup the woman's face—turning it so that she could observe each and every detail, "My María chose well."

"They chose eachother, mama." Pilar rolled her eyes endearingly, holding in her urge to laugh at the fright on Jana's face as she realised the woman in front of her was Mapi's grandmother, "Let the poor girl go, you're going to give her a heart attack."

"Sí, sí." The old woman acquiesced as she pulled away, telling Jana to help cutting the vegetables to which the woman instantly jumped into action as she rolled her sleeves up, "Why couldn't the last one act like this?"

This made Jana wonder to herself, who Mapi could have brought to her family home the last time. Ingrid or Ana-Maria? But, she soon ignored the feeling of sadness as Pilar started a new conversation.

"What are your intentions with María? Are you going to marry?" Mapi's grandmother nodded along to this, also wondering the same thing but Pilar had beaten her to it.

Jana dropped the knife on to the counter, shocked by the words that had left Pilar's mouth, the two women stared at her expectantly, "I..."

"You don't want to be with my María?" The oldest woman in the room interrogated, taking a step forward to lay a reassuring hand onto Jana's arm—yet it provided no relief, instead fear, "She won't be happy to hear this—"

"Hear what?"

All heads turned to the sudden voice from the doorway, where Mapi stood with a concerned expression as her eyes flickered between the hand resting on Jana's arms and the disgust in her mother's face, "What are you talking about?"

"I..." Jana stumbled, taking a step back and removing the apron from around her waist, "I need a breath of fresh air... Sorry."

Pushing past Mapi though the blonde stuck her hand out, Jana quickly exited the home and leaned forward onto the patio bannister, breathing deeply as she attempted to recollect her thoughts.

The door behind her swung open, and the brunette inhaled as she knew who it was—the familiar touch of her girlfriend, attempting to reassure her that everything was okay. Yet, her words of endearment became a buzz to her ears, focusing on the later snow over the front yard instead.

"Princesa?" Mapi called out, concerned for the therapist who was in a daze—the blonde hadn't ever seen Jana act in that way, which made her wonder what her grandmother and mother had said to the woman, "Look at me, Jana."

At her name, Jana turned slowly and her eyes met with Mapi's, who couldn't help the smile appear on her lips as the brunette had finally looked at her, "Sorry... I didn't mean to ignore you."

"Don't worry about me, Bonita. What happened?"

Jana didn't mean to react the way she did, but the thought of marriage and kids that early in their relationship made her fear her future—would Mapi stick out for that long?

Due to her issues with Lauren, the therapist had always found it hard to trust women after what her ex-girlfriend done to her. Jana trusted Lauren more than anyone in the world, and she still betrayed her.

"Pilar asked if we were going to get married, I froze because I didn't know what to say," Jana chuckled, realising how stupid she sounded when Mapi's expression contorted into confusion, "I should have spoken up."

"My mama can be a bit much... She means well." Mapi chuckled, her arm slipping around the woman's waist and pulling her into her side, Jana welcomed this as she nuzzled her head into the blonde's neck, "I'm sorry for what they said."

"Should I have said yes?"

"I..." Mapi was speechless, the two women glancing sideways at one another before staring forward at the falling snow, "You don't have to say anything, princesa. We have all the time in the world."

Mapi felt the laughter rumble inside of Jana's chest, until it left her lips and the athlete's heart drummed at the sound, "We do?"

"We have forever, love."


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