Chapter Six

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Can we get 60⭐️ ?

"Ay dios mío."

It was now the evening, and the girls had finished training and were in the gym for the next hour. Whereas, Jana was being reprimanded in her office by her best friend, Rosa.

"You're being dramatic, Rosa. It was just a ride to say sorry." Jana rolled her eyes, flicking through the file that was coincidentally Mapi's, preparing herself for their next session.

"I'm sure it was just a ride." Rosa stifled her laughter at her friend's surprised face, before it turned to anger and Jana began cursing with blushing cheeks, "Seriously, hermana, you know about her reputation."

"It's not like that. Now go, she'll be here—"

Jana was cut off by a knock at the door, when the person heard a Come in! The door swung open to reveal Mapi, stood with a nervous expression when her eyes fell on the brunette's stressed face and Rosa's smirk.

"Should I come back later?" Mapi wondered, grabbing hold of the doorknob as she readied herself to be kicked out of the office.

"Come in, Mapi. She's leaving." Jana directed her last statement towards Rosa, who hung her head in defeat and smiled at the defender with a large grin, before leaving the office.

An awkward silence ensued as Mapi sat down in the leather chair, staring at the therapist who was reading off of a sheet of paper. The blonde felt the leather underneath her, unable to find a comfortable position due to the strain on her leg.

"Are you... Are you okay?" Jana wondered, raising her head as her eyes trailed over the athlete's figure, noticing how she grimaced every time she moved her leg, "Is it your leg?"

When the blonde shrugged and looked away, as if nothing was wrong—Jana pushed away the sheet of paper, and got out of her chair, "Follow me."

Without question, Mapi followed after the therapist to the bench in the corner of the room, sitting down on it when Jana gestured for her to, "You don't have to..."

"I want to. It's okay." Jana reassured, laying a hand on her shoulder to push Mapi on to her back—watching as the blonde's chest rose and fall, with each breath she took, "Tell me where it hurts the most."

Mapi let out a grunt, pointing to a place on her thigh where the skin was slightly red from swelling. Jana nodded, telling the defender to relax.

"Breathe, Mapi." The therapist ordered gently, her fingers grabbed hold of the bottom of her shorts, slightly pulling them up to reveal her exposed skin. Mapi burned under her commanding touch, slightly flinching at Jana's touch, "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"N..No. I just didn't expect it, that's all." Mapi justified, taking a deep breath once again unaware of the therapist smiling down at her, amused by her nervousness.

Jana's fingers kneaded into the spot, feeling the hard ball of tension fade away with each movement. Sighs left Mapi's mouth, as the pain had slightly disappeared—still feeling discomfort for an unknown reason.

"You're tense." Jana stated, retracting her hand away then pulling down the shorts so that they covered her thigh back up, "Could you... take your shirt off?"

The blonde blushed, cursing herself for acting so nervous around the therapist. She grabbed hold of the fabric, pulling it upwards and grinning slightly when Jana's eyes dropped down to her abs.

Mapi felt the therapist's fingers work into her shoulders, releasing the tension and they dropped slightly in relief, "Is this special treatment?" The defender smirked, enjoying the massage regardless.

"It's my job." Jana shook her head, trailing her hands past the athlete's hard stomach and stopped at her legs, massaging them once more to release the tension from the recent training session, "What would you do if I said yes?"

Jana pulled away, leaving the disappointed athlete to go wash her hands under the sink, turning in time to watch Mapi put her training top back on.

"I'd believe you."

The therapist laughed at the woman, the both of them sitting back down in their seats. Jana looked closely at the clock, noticing that their session was coming to an end and Mapi would have to go back to training.

"I thought you said that you keep your promises." Jana suggested, hesitantly looking at the defender—their eyes clashed against each other but the therapist looked away once she began to smirk.

"I thought I'd keep you waiting, María." Mapi laughed when she rolled her eyes at the use of her middle name, "I can tell you're not the patient type."

"I'm the therapist, Mapi." Jana reminded, smiling amusedly when the blonde raised her hands in defence before sinking back into the leather chair, "Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Fine..." The room fell silent as the therapist searched for her eyes nervously, the tension thickened as they couldn't tear either of their gazes away, "I lied to you because most women sleep with me for my name, or money. Of course, I didn't know who you were but I can never be too careful. They see me more as a prize than a person."

Jana's expression dropped at Mapi's confession, saddened by the honest truth, the therapist hadn't ever seen the defender look so serious or upset, but she vowed she never wanted to see it again.

Suddenly, Jana reached across the table and intertwined their hands which shocked the athlete, "You aren't a prize. You're a person with human emotions that are completely valid. I may have been upset at the start, but now I understand."

Mapi held a child-like smile as she looked at their locked hands, not wanting to pull away as her warm fingers contrasted against Jana's cold ones, "You do?"

"To me, you're María Pilar León Cebrián. Not your reputation."

The car ride held a comfortable silence, as Bad Bunny played in the background and Jana laughed occasionally when she watched Mapi sing along, and dance stupidly to the rap.

When they finally came to a stop, Jana was disappointed that she had to leave the car, wondering why she held such a heavy heart by leaving the athlete behind.

"What's wrong?" Mapi wondered, as she stopped the car and leaned against her chair to stare at the full figure of Jana, watching as her face contorted into one of sadness.

Opening her mouth then closing it, the therapist decided against what she wanted to say, or do. Instead; she shook her head with a reassuring smile, "Nothing. Thanks for the ride, I'll see you next week?"

Mapi smiled forcedly, annoyed at Jana's stubborn nature as well as her own, regretting not saying anything sooner. The defender nodded, "You will. I don't mind driving you anytime."

"That'd be nice..." Jana tried to continue their conversation, hesitantly opening the car door and stepping out, "Goodnight, Mapi."

She sighed from inside the car, "Goodnight, princesa." Then watched as Jana closed the door, walking back towards her apartment.

Turn around, Mapi thought to herself, though the therapist never did, as she was in her own head about what she should do, or what she did not do.

As Jana got to the door, she sighed heavily before turning, finally feeling brave enough to return to Mapi and say what was playing on her mind.

Sadness filled the therapist when the road was empty, and the car had drove off. She left. It was too late, and Jana slowly walked up the stairs back to the apartment.

Both women were left with unanswered questions that night.

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