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Three months after the defeat of Victor Rookwood

Astoria was going through a few of her items, trying to finish up packing her bags. It had been a while since Victor Rookwood's death and life had been so much better since then. When she was going through her things, she stumbled upon a journal. She quickly realized that this was the journal she had kept with her through her journey a few months ago and she hadn't written in it since defeating Rookwood. She had some time to write it in, so with a big smile she pulled out a quill and ink and started to write...

"Well this is a pleasant surprise! I completely forgot about this journal which I assumed I'd feel bad about later if I didn't give it the proper finishing up. To anyone who may find this journal in the future, you can probably tell my life this year was a complete mess and I had a lot that happened. But I suppose it makes for a good story, doesn't it?

So why don't I finish this up with everything that's happened since my friends and I have defeated Rookwood?

Everything has been going well. Although it took the Ministry this long to finally do something about the poaching problem, Minister Spavin saw the severity of something like this happening for a second time and finally decided to do something about it. Poachers all across the country are being arrested and taken to Azkaban for their crimes– my dear friend Poppy Sweeting was overjoyed to hear that they were finally being punished. Although some sentences aren't life long, a certain poacher captain of the name Leon (yes, the one who tried to crucio me) has been sentenced to a life in Azkaban. I honestly couldn't be happier with that outcome.

Speaking of a former poacher; Sebastian and I traversed back into the repositories holding caves the next to find Tana– neither of us assumed she had survived and to my honest regret, she didn't. Although we definitely never got along and she was in a constant state of trying to sabotage everything we did to stop Rookwood, in the end she helped us and sacrificed her life so we could be able to save the lives of several others.

In her hands we found two letters. One was a plea to us that when we found her body that we would lay her to rest in a small town near the seaside. Respecting her wishes, Sebastian and I laid her to rest there. She never specified why this town was significant to her but all we know is that's what she wanted. The second letter was addressed to a woman named Suvi. I do not know the contents of the letter but I made sure that the letter went to her. I don't know who Suvi is but it was clear to me that Tana did not care much about anyone and so this woman must be important to her.

As for my brother, he finally broke off his engagement (much to my pleasure) and he decided to leave home again to travel in Croatia. A few weeks ago he sent me an owl speaking of this wonderful girl he met there– needless to say, he and the girl he met there are having quite the time traveling Croatia together and probably causing chaos.

Anne is living the life she never got too before being cured. She's happy and in such high spirits. I don't think anyone has ever seen her so happy but there are several reasons why– more than just the fact that she is no longer living a life of pain anymore. Believe it or not, Ominis asked for her hand in marriage last month, to which she immediately said yes. They plan to be married by the end of the year.

As for Sebastian and I, a few weeks ago he asked me if I would move to Godric's Hollow to be with him and of course I said yes. Ironically right now he's telling me I need to hurry up and finish writing so that we can leave. To which I will just ignore him for the time being while I finish the words I want to say.

Over all those months that I was fighting against Rookwood were absolutely hell and nobody can deny that. But since then, my life has been so happy and joyous that I don't often think about it anymore. Besides, I have far better things to be thinking about. I will leave you with these words and promptly put this journal away and probably never touch it again, which is fine.

Now without further ado, adieu."

Astoria signed her name in the journal and quickly stuffed it away in her bag. Sebastian was beginning to become impatient as he wanted for her. "Astoria, come on. We don't want to be sitting here until noon." He said from the doorway. Astoria rolled her eyes and turned, walking over to him and the front of the house.

"Alright, I'm here." She chuckled, rolling her eyes and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You two act like an old married couple already, almost makes me want to go back to Godric's Hollow alone." That was the voice of Desmond, Sebastian's friend from work who had graciously offered to come out and help Astoria pack up her things and move in with Sebastian.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "I'm just giving you a longer moment of peace and quiet before you return home to all three of your screaming children." He said in a sarcastic tone. This enticed a small laugh from Desmond.

Astoria finished up getting ready to leave and Sebastian put his arm around her. "Are you ready?" He asked. Astoria nodded her head and smiled. "Ready for another hopefully less stressful and completely calm adventure?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"If I have to duel anyone one the way there, I won't be going any further." Astoria said, grinning and rolling her eyes. Sebastian chuckled. "Speaking of adventures, do you think you'll go on anymore after all of that?" He asked.

It didn't take long for Astoria to come up with an answer. Exploring the world and going on adventures was what she did. "Of course I will. Exploring and going on adventures is kind of like my... passion, so to speak." She said, smiling up at Sebastian.

"And besides, the world will always have an adventure or two in store for me." 

(Okay. The end for real this time :) 

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