Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/n: small editing details may come later :) 

The tension was thick in the air when Sebastian grasped the door handle, none of them knew what they would see when they opened the door. Ominis was standing behind Sebastian looking nervous, he'd just have to wait till they saw and told him. He was as anxious as ever to know of Anne's fate these past few months.

A bit reluctantly, Sebastian opened the door, holding his breath. The small cottage in Feldcroft looked the same as when he had last seen it coming here with Astoria, everything seemed to be normal. And above all, Anne was there.

Sebastian let out a sigh of relief, which let everyone know that Anne was there. She was sitting in a chair near the fire, trying to keep warm. She looked fragile and pale, but she was alive. When she heard the door open, her head turned towards it; she wasn't used to getting visitors that weren't Sebastian or Ominis but they were gone as far as her knowledge went.

"Sebastian?" Anne asked, looking confused but excited nonetheless. She had wondered what had come of her brother these past few months, it was definitely a surprise she was not expecting but was very welcoming of.

At the sound of Anne's voice, Ominis let out a sigh of relief and started to smile. Sebastian rushed in to hug his sister, he had missed her a lot more than he had told Astoria and Ominis while they were gone. He immediately got on his knees in front of the chair so he could hug her without her having to get up. "Oh Anne, I missed you." He said, a few tears slipping from his eyes. The anxiety of the situation had completely dissipated for him. His sister was alive and they were going to be able to cure her.

Anne smiled and wrapped her arms around her brother's shoulders. "I missed you too, Sebastian. I was so worried. I didn't even hear from you at all, I was scared something had happened to you." She said in a relieved tone. To be fair, a lot had happened to Sebastian, he had almost died several times but for Anne's sake, he wasn't sure if he'd ever tell her about any of that.

After a bit, Sebastian eventually let go of the hug and wiped his tears. The other three had moved into the house so that they weren't standing in the doorway. When Sebastian looked back and saw how eager Ominis was, he moved out of the way and put his hand on Ominis' shoulders, urging him to go over to Anne.

Ominis immediately took this opportunity, kneeling down in front of the chair Anne was seated in and gently placing his hands on her cheeks to be able to feel her again. To be able to see her again in his own way. He could tell her face had gotten thinner but he didn't care at all, his Anne was still here and she was safe.

For a moment Anne looked panicked, having no idea that Sebastian now knew of her relationship with Ominis, in which Sebastian just chuckled and nodded his head as if to say "I know," and assure her it was okay. And so Anne didn't waste a moment, she grabbed Ominis and kissed him. Needless to say, Ominis was a bit shocked at first but after that he just chuckled and got the best feeling of relief he had ever had in his life.

The room was filled with a warm feeling, even Alexander seemed to be moved. Sebastian looked over to Astoria, who was smiling ear-to-ear. And even though the moment was already going perfectly, of course, there was the part where they'd finally be able to cure Anne.

After Ominis and Anne finished up their moment, Astoria dug through her satchel and pulled out the green potion, handing it to Sebastian. After so many years of searching for a cure for Anne, she only saw it fit that Sebastian should be the one to do this; Anne was his sister after all.

Ominis stepped back and Sebastian stepped forward. Anne saw the potion in his hand and furrowed her brows. "Sebastian, what's that...?" She asked, pausing a bit. It wasn't the hardest thing in the world to figure out what it was and she looked a little bit shocked. "What... How did you get that?" She asked, a bit more concerned now. The last time Sebastian was trying to find the cure for her... well it didn't really go well and she was worried about how he got it.

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