Chapter Eleven

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Astoria woke up bright and early and got ready, still hating herself a bit for last night. She really hoped she hadn't hurt his feelings, but she supposed she couldn't control how he felt about it. She was already dressed and ready by the time Ominis and Sebastian woke up.

"You seem eager to get going," Sebastian mumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Just getting a good start to the day," Astoria said, trying to put on a smile. Sebastian noticed she was wearing the necklace he had gotten her years ago and it almost made up for everything that happened last night, but he didn't say anything, instead, he returned to his room and started getting ready to leave, trying to tackle his bed head and tired appearance.

Astoria started to pack up her things around the room. Ominis' footsteps became louder until they halted, letting her know that he was in the room. He stood there, his eyes fixed on the direction she was standing in, he at least knew she was there.

"Sebastian came in pretty upset last night," Ominis said to Astoria in the next room over. "I don't suppose it had anything to do with you?" He asked, his brows furrowed a bit.

Astoria sighed, halting her packing. "We got into an... interesting discussion." She said, "It's not like I was trying to hurt his feelings or anything, I just feel like I may have and now I feel kinda bad. But I can't control how he feels about the situation."

"What did you say to him?" Ominis asked, a bit perplexed.

Astoria turned around. "Just– I told him that I only really know him as how he was when we were together and that I couldn't trust him enough with certain things. It probably came out wrong and he got offended but it wasn't my intention to make it sound like I thought he was incompetent or something like that, really, it wasn't."

Ominis shook his head. "You two really need to just communicate properly for once. Honestly, it's very childish and pathetic that you both don't get anything set straight until I get involved and tell you too. As I remember, you both are older than me and I find it quite pathetic that I keep having to tell you two what to do."

"I'm older than you by two weeks, Ominis." She said, rolling her eyes.

"My point still stands, Astoria." He said, shrugging. "I shouldn't have to keep doing this. You and Sebastian are both adults and need to work it out like you are. Did you two even discuss anything related to what happened in the past so that tensions would be lower?"

Astoria's expression dropped. No, they hadn't. In fact, they had completely skipped over that part and wondered why on earth tensions were still so high. She tried to come up with what to say next, but Ominis was right.

"Oh Merlin, please don't tell me you're being silent because you didn't," Ominis said, his own expression dropping. "Did you two not talk at all before leaving?" He exclaimed, his eyes widening. Well, that explained a lot.

"We were being rushed!" Astoria said. "He showed up on my doorstep and the next thing I know I'm running away from poachers with him the same night! It didn't cross my mind and when it did, I didn't want to talk about it. Honestly, do you know how awkward that is?" She huffed, crossing her arms; although, it wasn't a very valid excuse.

"Astoria... we have been traveling... for three weeks." Ominis deadpanned. "You have had plenty of time! Honestly, I thought that was one of the first things you would do! No wonder the two of you have been at each other's throats, you both still think so poorly of each other!" Ominis knew that wasn't entirely true, since he did know that Sebastian still had feelings for Astoria. But along with those feelings were other feelings of internal loathing.

Passion | | Sebastian Sallow *under slight editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن