Chapter Twenty-Six

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"What do you mean we're moving camp?" Abram asked Leon as they were walking out of his tent. Leon had just told him that they were moving their camp somewhere else and then just walked out, causing a very confused Abram to follow him out.

"I meant we're moving camp, what else?" Leon said almost with a low growl in his voice. He was getting angry over the smallest things now and he never quite learned how to manage his anger. So naturally it was a recipe for disaster.

Abram furrowed his brows as he continued to follow Leon out frantically. "Did Rookwood even say-,"

"I don't care what Rookwoos thinks!" Leon snapped, finally stopping his pursuit for a further location. Now instead he was staring at Abram dead-on. "Rookwood has done nothing but keep us out here for months for NO reason. We're moving camp somewhere more livable, I can't stand this anymore."

What he was was true, but he also wanted to be closer to the area he thought Astoria and her two friends would be so that it'd be easier to pursue them and inform Tana about it. But of course, he wasn't about to admit that to Abram who could just run and tell Rookwood.

Abram let out a sigh of reluctance but then nodded his head. He didn't do anything, rather he just walked back the way they came to start packing things up. No one could stop Leon, this was driving him insane and the fact that he was having such a hard time finding Astoria wasn't helping.

Leon wasn't going to mind telling Tana, although it probably wasn't the best idea since Tana did secretly travel to their camp for their meetups and miscommunication could cause a lot of problems. To him, he was just so angry and fed up that he didn't even want to start to care about it. He'd find some other time to inform her that they were moving camp.

Abram went back to start packing things up, still confused and now a bit suspicious of Leon's intentions. Abram had always been an order-abiding soldier, practically perfect in the eyes of most leaders. So when it came to Leon, his superior, going against the most important rule of never defying Rookwood and not doing anything out of his order, it made Abram question a few things about Leon's true intentions.

A poacher by the name of Peter came up to Abram, seemingly just as confused as he was. He leaned up against one of the tent poles and crossed his arms. "Don't suppose you know what Leon's even trying to do here, do you?" He asked, pointing back with his thumb in Leon's direction. "I mean, I don't think I've gotten any word from Rookwood that we should move camp."

"Haven't heard a single word, Leon's just upset," Abram said, continuing to pack up. Peter moved over to help him, now just as confused as he had been.

"So he thinks he can just do it whether he has orders from Rookwood or not?" He asked. He was completely baffled that Leon had the guts to do something like defy straight orders from Rookwood if only they knew what was really going on. Then this little moving camp thing would not be a problem at all, the real problem would be the fact that Leon was betraying Rookwood.

Before either of them could speak again, Leon was trudging angrily back into the tent, tracking wet mud into the tent. "You both are going too slow, hurry it up!" He shouted. Abram and Peter gave each other a look of unbelief before begrudgingly following his orders. When Leon left, the two other men started muttering about how crazy he was and continuing to pack up.

Leon had already mapped out their new location for the camp and was ready to leave and get to somewhere else in this swamp that wasn't going to drive him insane. And the next thing on his list?

Finding Astoria and turning her over to Tana.


A day and a half later, Astoria, Sebastian, and Ominis were watching over Leon's camp which had reached its new destination. Leon had moved the camp purposely to be closer to the area where he thought was closer to them but he had no idea that they were actually much closer than expected, which gave the trio a very... easy time finding Leon's camp. And with Leon's men being sick and tired of the swamp and of Leon's antics, they didn't think it'd be that hard to get rid of them.

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