Chapter Thirty

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A/n: So this one is gonna have an authors note at the beginning, whoohooo! So this chapter is super long so be prepared for that. And as a small TW this does have some semi-graphic depictions of violence so please be mindful of that. Other than that, buckle up and enjoy cuz its an emotional roller-coaster! 

Two days had passed and the time for the plan to go forward had arrived. It had already neared the evening and the time of departure was approaching quickly. The trio was getting ready for the event and Astoria's heart was pounding. The entire day she kept replaying the plan over and over again in her head. After all, the entire thing came down to how she performed and if she was able to carry out the plans she had made in the first place.

She conjured up a nicer dress to the best of her ability, of course, having it be practical for fighting but keeping it on the down low. After all, she wanted to look like she was actually attending this event for its real purposes, not for the fact that she was actually there to kill the man who was putting on the event in the first place.

She tried her best to make her hair look nice and to make it look like she was putting a lot of effort into her appearance. It felt like any other time she was getting ready to go somewhere nice, except for this time was going to have a much different ending than the other times.

Sebastian and Ominis also tried their best to spiffy up and look the part. The both of them were a bit on edge the day of the event as well and it was safe to say that all three of them had very good reasons as to why they were nervous about it. Their plan to kill Rookwood was that night, this was their shot, the one shot they had to make.

Sebastian was walking by Astoria's room to get to the kitchen area before he looked over and stopped dead in his tracks. Astoria's back was turned to him but by Merlin, she still looked gorgeous. He couldn't help but stare for quite a bit and in fact, completely forgot about what he was doing. Instead, he walked right in up behind her, unable to stop himself from complimenting her appearance. It had been so long since he had seen her like this, it quite literally took his breath away.

"You look absolutely stunning," He said, unable to take his eyes off her.

Astoria's brows furrowed and turned around, when she saw him, her demeanor relaxed. "Oh, thank you," She responded with a small smile. Seeing Sebastian all cleaned up and dressed up in a suit was quite a nice sight for Astoria too. He looked extremely handsome and Astoria was also having a hard time not staring at him. "You look quite handsome yourself,'' she said. She walked up to him and brushed off the shoulders of his suit and then fixed up his tie.

Sebastian let out a chuckle, even after all these years Astoria was still a perfectionist. It reminded him of all the times when Astoria had done this for him before. Most times she wouldn't have even let him leave the house without her checking over his appearance first but he couldn't blame him for it. His nice appearance gave him advantages over certain things during that time.

"I don't think I've seen you dressed up this nicely since the winter formal in our seventh year." Astoria chuckled, taking a small step back to take in Sebastian's appearance again.

"Yeah well, I only dress up for the most deserving of eyes," Sebastian said with a small grin. He could see Astoria's cheeks look a bit more pink and she looked away for a few moments before looking back. Sebastian took this time to gently take her hands into his. "But serious Astoria, you look absolutely beautiful. You honestly took my breath away, even if I didn't see your face at first."

Astoria looked down at her feet, feeling too embarrassed to meet his gaze, her cheeks much more pink than they were moments ago. "Oh stop it, Sebastian." She pleaded, not wanting to become more embarrassed than she already was.

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