Chapter 4

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"Dumb?" Aunt Casey gets up in my face. "My little Angels Cocomelon cake is not Dumb, you Trembling Wannabe." She hissed. Trembling? I think. Until I realize my body is actually trembling. I turn around to look for place to run away and... well... convince myself I'm Harriet the Harry Berry...? I look and look while Aunt Casey is probably blabbing her butt off about how I'm so sucky or something. I look at the door. Door! I can... run to the little kids area? Better that Aunt Casey. I think and slip away from the argument, to slip out the door, and I bump into a guy, Black hair, Grey hoodie. "Sorry!" I say. "It's... okay. Your Betty's cousin, aren't you?" He asks. "I'm Zachary. Known as Zach. Your ... Harriet?" I nod at him. Zachary. I repeat in my head. In fact I repeat it in my head over and over again. "That's my Lame brother. Beware, he says 'Hello' like 'ello'" he warns me. I shoot out an ugly high pitch laugh that probably busted Zach's ear drums. "Zach! I just met a guy named- Who is that? Sorry, that was disrespectful, I mean- 'ello, I'm Ashton (Ash) Guz- Guzman!" Zach's brother says. Blonde hair, dark purple hoodie.  Zach finds a peice of paper. "Here's my number." Gets lost in my head
And next thing I know. I'm at home, In my bed, Daydreaming. My phone dings. Ello :) Ash texts me. I sigh. I'm falling for Ash. My phone dings again. Sorry! You probably don't want my Lame brother to have your number but he asked. Lol ;)   Zach texts me. I sigh. I'm falling for Zach. I thought I was falling for Ash? But I was just falling for Zach. I sigh. I'm falling for both of them. I gasp. I'm falling for both of them!!

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