𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

Start from the beginning

Which means that as of right now, it's either Stiles or Lydia using their spare keys (most likely Stiles), or someone is breaking in.

Yanking the covers off her body, she speeds down the marble staircase and bares her fangs threateningly with a hiss to whoever has the nerve to intrude in her home in the middle of the night. She's exhausted, and frankly, she's pissed off. However, Ophelia's eyes widen in shock and her teeth quickly disappearing back into her gums, her body relaxing as she recognises who stands in her front doorway. More like, she recognises one of the two people before her. "What the fuck?"

"Christ, care to say hello instead?"

"At twelve in the bloody morning? I think not." After a few seconds, Ophelia widely grins at the sight of her older brother and jumps forward with a high-pitched squeal as she collides into him. "I can't believe you're really here!"

Klaus chuckles and pats her back, pecking her cheek quickly with his lips. "Nice to see you, too, sister." He pauses, something the girl doesn't miss. "Sorry for the late-night visit, but we left as soon as we could. We've got some things to... We've got to catch up."

"It's okay, I can't wait to hear about the wedding." Her face falls when she realises that he had used 'we.' Ophelia's eyebrows raise and her gaze drifts past him and to the female awkwardly waiting with her hands folded behind her back, her eyes cast down to the floor. "Who's the chick, Nik? Got a new plaything?"

Said woman's eyes flick up at the mention of herself, and she clears her throat as she steps up beside Klaus who has broken the hug with the younger girl. "Uh, hi," she greets, her strong American accent a stark contrast compared to the two British beside her.

"Yeah... This is Freya," Niklaus slowly announces. "'The long-lost sister,'" he adds, making quotation marks in the air with his fingers. "One of the topics we'll be talking about."

Ophelia's eyes trail across the woman's body, memorising all her features as if she had known her for as long as her other siblings. Her natural blonde hair has been cut to shoulder length and frames her face well, accentuating her jawline and somehow bringing more focus to her striking green eyes. To be honest, Freya seems to be the only Mikaelson that could actually be biologically related to Ophelia. "Freya, huh?" Her tone is sharp, almost causing the newly introduced woman to flinch away. Freya nods in confirmation. "So, care to explain why I'm just hearing about you this week? Because the last time I checked, us Mikaelsons stick together. Even when we're daggered."

Freya's eyes flick over to Klaus who laughs quietly, and he clears his throat once he finds the two women staring at him. "Sorry," he mumbles in apology. "Look, why don't we get out of the doorway and have a drink. I need it, I'm sure Freya needs it, hell, I know you need it."

"Wow, it's almost like someone's died," Ophelia jokes with a chuckle, leading the pair through the dimly lit corridors and to the kitchen. When she receives no laughter like she would usually expect, she glances over her shoulder to find the two adults sharing a nervous look with one another. A look she knows all too well. "Nik, I swear, if someone's died-"

"Have you got any O negative?"

Ophelia sighs at his interruption, but she stays silent as she heads toward the walk-in fridge. A bottle of whiskey is unscrewed by Freya, and a cooler is dragged over by the youngest who takes out a multitude of blood bags for herself and her brother. Freya had quickly denied upon being offered the metallic substance, revealing that she isn't like the rest of the family, and instead a witch like Esther and how Kol had originally been before the transformation to a vampire. After yawning loudly, the girl settles into one of the large armchairs around the fireplace that is now roaring, courtesy of Freya. She takes a small sip out of her glass and hums as the blood trails smoothly down her throat. "So," she begins, her eyes narrowing as she looks between the adults who are sitting as far away from one another as they can. "What did Nik do?"

rockland (𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽 𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵)Where stories live. Discover now