Chaper 7 - Forgetful

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Noah's POV -

I stalked towards the front door, already frustrated at whoever dared knocked, I knew everyone could smell Mabel in my home, so there better be a good reason as to why someone was here, disturbing my time with my mate.

I swung the door open and glared down at the man in front of me, he smiled cheekily at my frown, "you okay, mate? I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

My body shook with restrained anger and I spoke lowly through gritted teeth, "Mike, if you don't leave, I'm going to punch you."

He chuckled lowly at me, he knew I would never hurt him, "have you forgot something?"

Forgot something? I racked my brain but nothing sprung to mind. I wasn't the forgetful person.

Mike shook his head, face dropping into a serious line, he tipped his head closer to mine as he began to speak quietly, "I know your preoccupied with your mate and all that, but did you actually forget the full moon is tonight?"

My eyes widened and my head whipped to the sky, the sun was just beginning to set, I was cutting this close. I couldn't believe I had forgotten something so important, I kicked myself internally.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath as I glanced nervously behind me.

I turned back to Mike, our Delta, and nodded appreciatively at him, "thanks."

Mike nodded back at me and gestured for me to go back to Mabel, as much as I hated the thought, I had to figure out a way to get rid of her for the night.

I shut the door quietly behind me, my thoughts sullen, it was upsetting knowing I had to go out of my way to lie to Mabel about myself. I slightly dragged my feet as I set off looking for her, only to find her stood in the kitchen where I left her, looking out into my garden, watching the sunset.

A small smile graced my lips as I approached her, I slipped my hands onto her waist, though it was quickly quite clear that she hadn't heard my approach as she jumped like a cat and spun to lightly whack my chest, "holy shit Noah, you could've give me a heart attack!"

I chuckled warmly at her, so so sweet. I dipped my head towards her and pressed a kiss lovingly to her head, reluctant to let her go.

A giggle slipped from her lush mouth as she pushed gently against my chest, she looked up at me through her thick lashes and pressed up onto her toes angling her face towards me, I groaned deeply as I leaned down towards her to press my lips against hers.

Sparks flew between us and I groaned once more into her mouth, pure pleasure shot though my stomach and my abdominal muscles clenched.

She tasted like pure heaven.

I pulled back reluctantly, "I'm sorry honey, the person at the door, Mike, let me know we have an emergency, I'm going to have to go."

Mabel pouted at me but nodded her head understandably, "is there anything I can help with?"

I smiled slightly at her, "so sweet baby, no, nothing you can do. I'll see you tomorrow though, yes?"

She stared at me, sweet bottomless ocean eyes peering into my own, "of course you will." She tapped a finger to her lips, "though I was hoping to look for a little job while I'm here, do you know if your sister is hiring at the coffee shop? It's a sweet, cosy little place."

I shrugged, "perhaps, she is feeling constantly under the weather at the moment and keeps asking around the pa-," I cleared my throat at my minor slip up, "the friend group to see if anyone can cover her hours, it may be worth the ask, little honey."

She grinned brightly at that, all straight white teeth, and bounced lightly on the spot in excitement, "wow, amazing, thats perfect," her brows furrowed slightly as she slapped a hand over her mouth quickly, "oh god, not amazing that your sister is sick! Never that, I just mean it's great that I can maybe help her out, I hope that didn't sound as awful to you as it did to me!"

I withheld my chuckle at her expense, however my shoulders still shook with my amusement, "sweet girl," I stroked my hand affectionately down her cheek, "you didn't sound awful... well perhaps a little," she slapped my chest half heartedly as she whined, "I'm just joking honey, I knew what you meant."

Mabel stuffed her head in my chest and a small involuntary growl rumbled in my chest, I snapped away from her in shock, I had gotten too wrapped up in my mate that I had once again forgot it was a full moon, how stupid!

I glanced at the window behind Mabel, it was already getting dark, I had been wrapped up in her for too long, she needed to leave.

"I'm sorry Mabel, I have to go now, you've distracted me long enough," I joked as I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

She nodded at me and smiled a sad smile, "mhm, I've kept you long enough, I'll make my way home," she stepped around me and began gathering her things. I whined pathetically at the feel of her leaving me.

"Text me when you're home, yes?" I asked.

She smiled at me, "of course, Noah."

"Good girl."

She blushed a pretty pink at the praise and a feeling of accomplishment shot through me, hopefully the mating pull was taking root a bit more now we have been more intimate with each other. I hoped soon I could show her who I truly was, it killed me lying to her like this.

Mabel slipped on her shoes and turned to me at the front door, hands clenched in front of her, I reached around her curved body and opened the door for her, she looked at me expectedly and I near purred with pleasure. I leaned down to her, pressing my lips against hers for the final time tonight.

We pulled away and Mabel's eyes shone up at me, "Goodnight, Noah."

"Goodnight, Mabel."


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