Chapter 2 - Coffee

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Noah's POV

I was sat in the back of the coffee shop, practically twiddling my thumbs, when I heard the quiet jungle of the bell announcing a customers arrival. I sighed to myself, i hated standing in for my sister at the coffee shop, but she was sick and I would do anything for the little sibling.

I made my way to the front of the shop, nearly dragging my feet when I suddenly stopped short, almost tripping over. A woman was stood at the counter obviously taking a good look around the place and she has clearly not noticed a new presence in the room with her.

My breath caught in the back of my throat and my lungs constricted. I forced in a deep breath and caught a strong smell of freshly cut grass and something sweet, honey?

My heart pounded in my chest as I slowly approached the counter, in a poor attempt to look casual I stood with my arms crossed against my chest and puffed up my chest in hopes to look impressive.

I had quickly realised that I wanted to impress this wee lass in front of me for some reason.

"Welcome honey, what can I get for ya?" I stood still waiting for her to finally turn around and notice me, so I could get a good look at her face. However, the girl seemed to be immersed in her own head while checking out the shop, i huffed slightly and dropped my arms, slightly disappointed that she hadn't noticed me.

I cleared my throat in hopes to catch the sweet smelling girls attention, she jumped back slightly at the noise and slowly turned to face me.

My lungs once again constricted, maybe I should get that checked out? The wee lass' face had turned the sweetest rose pink in what I guessed was embarrassment.

She was the prettiest thing I had ever seen.

Beautiful blue eyes stood out on her face, pouty pink lips and a cute button nose. Her full cheeks still stained a light pink and my lips tilted into a small smile.


Looking down at her, she really was a small thing, standing just below my shoulders. I tilted my head to the side, hair flopping slightly as I took in her auburn hair, smiling slightly at the thought of meeting this angel in a coffee shop apron amused me somewhat.

"You alright lass?", I asked her, I was eager to hear her voice, I wondered if her voice was as sweet as she both looked and smelled. Her jaw had dropped slightly and it was nice to know i was affecting her just as much as she was affecting me, I felt my lips stretch.

She huffed quietly before speaking, "I'm sorry, I'm fine! Could I please get a, hmm..", she tapped her lips. Yes, her voice were like honey, just had I had imagined.

I felt a small tugging sensation in my chest, this was new..

I had always classed myself as an pessimist but when it concerned my mate, or lack thereof, I had gave up hope. But this pull towards the woman in front of me? Was this wee angel my mate?

Shit, I hoped so.

Obviously oblivious to my inner monologue the girl continued talking, "I think I'll just go for a regular latte please", she smiled up at me, I had to remind myself how to breathe regularly otherwise I would pass out in front of her.

I turned around to make her coffee and hoped to calm myself down before I had to interact with her again, I was just about ready to jump the counter like a whole Olympian and run off with her.

"You new around here? I definitely wouldn't have missed you if you lived here." I sent a wink to her over my shoulder. What the fuck was that? Did I just wink at her? I was embarrassing, maybe I could play it off as a twitch?

I heard the girls foot start tapping behind me, maybe I was affecting her as much as she was affecting me? Or maybe, she was uncomfortable and just wanted her coffee. "Yes, just got here yesterday, thought it would be best to explore the area, introduce myself to the locals and all that". She tucked her hair behind her ear.

I hummed at her response absentmindedly, though I could listen to her talk for hours, I was too caught up with the thought that she could actually be my mate. The longer I looked at her the more I wanted to grab her face and kiss her senseless.

I took that last thought as a solid yes, this lass was my mate. I had never felt such a strong connection to one person so quickly.

"What's your name? Do you own this place? It really is lovely!" Nervous, she was nervous.

I had wanted to chuckle at her small outburst of pure nervousness but I refrained as to not embarrass her, "Names Noah, it's my sisters place actually, I'm standing in for the day. I'm sure she'll appreciate the compliment, she treats this place like her bairn." I shook my head at the thought of my sister and the way she treats this place and then sent the girl another wink.

Fucking, shit. Definitely couldn't play it off as a twitch now.

"I'm Mabel," she replied softly, Mabel, absolutely perfect, I didn't hear what she had said next, too focused on the way her name rolled around in my head. I nodded absentmindedly and smiled softly after she finished speaking .

My Mabel was beautiful.


Thank you again for reading, I will try to make sure to get a new chapter out each week!

If there is anything you'd like to see in the future, please let me know :).

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