This is Not a House!

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In a bit of a panic I had sent the messenger back as fast as possible with a message of my own. I plead that he uphold the declaration I had made when he and I first met: if they did not want to accept that I was their god, that was fine. But they were no longer welcome on my lands. I asked that Margund show them leniency, and begged that he not make a liar out of me. If this group of goblins were not willing to accept the new normal, then banish them from these lands for good. They could go find their fortunes else where.

Thankfully Margund had agreed and made some big show of banishing the band of disbelievers. I was told that he announced that if any others wished to renounce me, and his own right to the goblin throne, than that was fine, but they were to gather their things now and leave with the 'traitors' immediately. Lagdon said that he made a very threatening claim that, from that day onwards, any discontented goblins would no longer fall under my mercy, but his. And his mercy was not nearly as magnanimous as their new gods.

I could only imagen what he had threatened the goblins with, but from what I understand, a goodly two hundred or so decided to leave, and were escorted to the nearest border and out of my lands. I decided not to comment on Margund's announcement, after all, I had decided long ago that I was not going to be a ruler over these lands, just a care taker. I might ask the leaders of deferent races to make changes from time to time, but I had no desire to be in charge of them all. Talk about a job I was not qualified for. Heck, I wasn't qualified for the one I already had!

It was a few weeks after their expulsion that Margund had been officially crowned and I evolved the goblins. As goblins no longer connected to me or my lands, the exiled would not have received my blessing. Eventually I would have better control over the energy flows i commanded and could probably better influence specific people. As it was, I could only do broad evolutions which consumed intense amounts of energy. So far the only direct change I managed to make was for Margund himself. I intentionally tried funneling just a little more of the magic his way, and it turned out quite well if I did say so myself.

Margund had not evolved into a hobgoblin nor a goblane. I had managed to get him to take on a special evolution, but luckily not the grotesque form of a goregek as his father had taken when Aeros had evolved him over two hundred years before. Margund had evolved into a goblin lord. He looked much like the hobgoblins but his evolution came with a lot more hidden skills that the others did not. Margund could passively boost the power and skills of his people as well as apply special magical buffs when the need arises. and that was on top of a much greater boost to his own base stats. Margund was, with out a doubt, the most powerful goblin to live in this forest nation of mine.

"Please don't worry about these men Nord. they are gone and someone else problem." I said, not unkindly.

"Should have been killed is what they should have been..."

"Nord!" Snapped Lagdon, making the older hobgoblin- a man who had trained the prince form a young age and was more like a father to him than his own had ever been- flinch and look mollified. "Do not contradict the Lady's words. Besides, we were no different than them when first we learned of Lady Enna. She asked that their lives be spared, and Margund saw fit to adhere to her kindness."

Nord sighed, "You are right of course." He then turned to me and bowed. "I am sorry Lady Enna, I meant no offence."

I raised my hands and waved him off. "No its fine. They are gone and we avoided needless blood shed. I am happy with the out-come, but don't expect everyone to be happy with it."

After that Lagdon had everyone return to their duties, taking his job as basically the boss around here very seriously. Technically I was in charge, but I couldn't deny that he was far more experienced than myself so I let him get on with it. When he tried to order around some of the attendants, however, Trixie put her foot down and it made me smile.

"Sir Lagdon! I would ask that you not tell my people what to do!" She had snapped at the hobgoblin that towered over her and made other grown men cry at times. "If you have issue than please direct your concerns my way. Unless, that is, you have decided to trade in your club for an apron?"

Many of us did our best not to laugh out loud behind Lagdon's back as he was left scrambling for a response. Lagdon, a prince of the goblin race, and a man who was used to getting his way and people fearing him, had no defense against the little foxmen woman.

Trixie was about my own height and about the same age as Brixie. She had milky white skin, lots of blonde curls often held in a bun, and soft burgundy colored fox ears and tail. She was a beautiful but stern woman, easily keeping the attendants and the guards in line while also making sure my every comfort was met. She had departed for the estate about a week ago, making sure everything was just right for my arrival.

The second her eyes left the fish lipped Lagdon and landed on me her entire baring changed. I was baffled as to why, but Trixie seemed to absolutely adore me. I was touched and just a little smothered. Her only daughter died to illness before my arrival to this world and she seems to have directed all that love and attention my way.

"Lady Enna, it is so good to finally see you again!" She said, her face radiant as she gave me a slight bow before pulling me into a light hug. she backed off and straightened out her skirt and apron. "I have everything ready in your rooms, Lady Enna. Your belongings have been brought ahead of time and I made sure that the estate tailors have a fine selection of robes for you to change into. I also made sure the baths have been emptied of others so that you may wash the road from your body in peace."

Rooms? Ugh, how many rooms? I suddenly had a feeling that more than a little of this crazy mansion was dedicated to me personally than i would like.

Enna Is a Land God- Book:2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu