Genesis Part 2

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Darksteel reveals himself to the entire world, the Forever People gained the attention of Superman, having him to investigate and figure out more about them...

Darksteel (V.O.): "So, now you may be wondering where am I? Well, I was in Metropolis, looking after this city while Superman was out. With the Fireflies nowhere in sight, at least for now, I pretty much just hang out and wait for anything to happen."


On a rooftop, Darksteel was sitting down, looking down at a picture he had of Emilia and himself during the time she was alive and both were happy. He had his mask, only having another mask underneath, covering his mouth. Blake was also listening to music to put his mind at ease. He simply sighed, as he put away the picture, grabbed his mask, and stood up. He looked around the city, till he spotted a giant fire across the city.

He flies over there quickly where he sees firefighters putting out a giant fire that is set on a warehouse at the docks. Seeing that they were struggling, Darksteel thinks for a moment till he gets an idea. He flies over the water at the docks, and raises up the water. A little trick Superman taught him. He brings a giant wave toward the warehouse, washing away the fire. All the firefighters looked up in shock and awe at the individual who helped them put out the fire, until he flew away.

He soared up in the sky, and flew through the city. He spots a robber getting away with a stolen bicycle, but he suddenly appears in front of him. Darksteel grabbed him by the collar of his sweater, and flew him up in the air, screaming, leaving the bicycle there for the owner to take it back. He would've killed him, but he just simply dropped him off at the nearest police station. Blake never viewed these kinds of robbers as a threat. To him, they're just idiots, not monsters.

Then, he hears more sirens going off. He glanced down to see a high speed chase happening. He quickly goes over, and takes out the engine from the hood of their van. There were two robbers seen, as they got out of the van and tried to make a run for it, until they bumped into Darksteel. He simply just stood there and crossed his arms, almost looking disappointed. The police arrived and surrounded the robbers, to which at that point, Darksteel quickly disappeared.

Darksteel (V.O.): "Of all the time I spent killing Fireflies, helping these people feel...right. Without thinking about them, I feel like I'm in the right state of mind. I'm much calmer, and I'm more Blake than Darksteel, if that makes any sense. Maybe it's something my mother would most approve of more than my other persona."

He continued flying over the city, as he felt much more calm than he was before. Granted, the grief still hasn't gone away, but it was something. The music he was listening to was even helping him through, just like it always had in the past. With no trouble for the moment, he soared to the sky, watching the city below.

He descended down, until he heard gunshots. Screaming was also heard. His eyes began glowing with sparks of lightning rapidly appearing. He rushed towards the Metropolis Central Station.

He crashed through the ceiling and dropped down, smashing the ground and the gunmen flew up in the air. Darksteel looked around to see various civilians dead on the ground. The calm and peacefulness suddenly vanished as it was replaced by anger and vengeance. Flashes of memories came back when the Fireflies killed innocent people, and...Emilia. Blake began to growl, as lightning now began to cover him.

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