Chapter 11

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Dropping Macy off, I didn't even explain anything to Rose before I went back out.  I can explain things to her later, but right now I need to get back to Gavin. Running to the back of the house, I followed along the fence line. There was already a group of people where the zombie used to be. I didn't expect that, but that's decently good. Approaching the group, I gave Chase and Gavin a nod as they turned to me.

"Was there a hole in the wall?" I asked, earning a head shake from Gavin, "Then how did it get in?"

"We're thinking it was already in." Chase guessed, motioning to Gavin's father, Hunter, and General Liam, "They've got a plan, so it doesn't happen again."

"What plan could work if that zombie was already in here?" I growled, annoyed at their carelessness, "You're telling me that a zombie has been living within these walls for years, but no one knew?"

"It wasn't a zombie." Jumped at the voice, I turned to his Majesty as he approached us, "This is an Insane."

Looking at the body being dragged away by Liam and Hunter, I frowned when it looked like any other zombie. I really can't tell the difference. Feeling someone lightly elbow me, I turned to see Gavin holding my machete out to me. Taking it from him, I tried to make sense of this.

"I have a special job for you three." He announced, surprising me, "This is confidential information. Only a hand full of people know, now including you three."

Hesitating, I wondered if this is a good idea. It feels like they're purposefully giving me a secret job to keep me here. Sure, everyone has to pull their weight, but I would think everyone would do a little bit of everything. If the other members of this kingdom don't know, then is it actually a good idea?

"What if we decide not to do it anymore after a few times or if we decide to leave the kingdom?" I questioned, pausing when they all turned to me.

The King had a neutral expression, Chase was glaring at me, while Gavin almost looked disappointed. Did I just say something forbidden or something? Surely, it's not that uncommon for people to leave. As if he decided what happened, the king, shook his head.

"You won't be able to quite once you start. As for leaving the Kingdom, we have yet had anyone who wants to leave willingly." He explained walking on, before looking at me from over his shoulder, "You'll come around eventually."

"What makes you so sure of that?" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

He only smirked before walking on. Shocking, I blinked at him before feeling a hand on my back guide me after him. I looked at Gavin to see that he was deep in thought, but he smiled when he saw I was looking at me.

"Wow, you two really are father and son." I scoffed, earning a wide smile from him.

"That's high praise coming from you." He teased, moving his arm to wrap around my shoulders, "Such a compliment. You must have finally noticed my humor and reliability."

"I was meaning, thinking things are going to go your way." I huffed, hearing Chase laugh on the other side. of me.

"Well, so far, most things regarding you have." He pointed out, making me think about it.

He managed to get me and the girls to come here. Then he bandaged my wounds at the cabin, despite the fact I didn't trust him. We went on that tour he wanted, even though I wanted to sleep in, and he even managed to walk with me earlier to Ms. Margrets. Chase is right. Somehow, Gavin is able to make me bend to his will, and I don't like that. Glaring at Gavin, I brushed his arm off. Starting today that will stop.

"I'm not your fucking puppet." I growled, moving faster to get away from them.

Looking around, I noticed that the king had led us to a path that was faintly worn down. It was a little way away from the town, but still withing the walls. I don't like this, but I want to know where that zombie, or Insane came from. Following him, I kept my hand on my machete incase this was a trap. The cabin up ahead looked friendly, well, minus the cage of zombies attached to the end. Freezing in place, my mind screamed at me to run. That this was a stupid idea. My body wouldn't move though.

"These are Insane we're experimenting on." The king announced, motioning to the cage, before beckoning us closer.

This is stupid, but my feet moved on their own. I want to see the difference between zombies and these Insane. They moved like zombies if not just slightly more smoothly. Not like people though. When we got closer the turned to us but didn't open their mouths to attempt to bite us like zombies would.  

Scanning each one, I stopped when I saw a familiar blue raincoat that had blue from blue's clues on it. My stomach flipped as I tried curling my hands together to keep from shaking. The last time I saw that coat, was the day of the attacks. My younger brother was wearing that coat, when I lost him and my sister. I don't see her pink one there though.

"Sky? Sky!" gasped as I felt someone grab my shoulders, I blinked out of my thoughts when I realized that Gavin was shaking me lightly while looking at me in worry, "What is it? You're shaking and you're pale, like you saw a ghost."

Turning back to the cage, I realized that the raincoat was being worn by a girl who looked nothing like my brother or sister. It's not them, but for a second, I thought it was. Finding my breath, I shook my head and pushed his hands off me.

"I'm fine." I answered, turning at Dr. Evelyn exited the cabin.

"From now on, if you three aren't on patrols our scouting missions, you'll be coming here to guard and help with the experiments of the Insane." The King announced as Evelyn smiled at me. 

"I'm glad to finally have some help around here. These Insane aren't going to examine themselves." Saying that with a chirp, she went back inside, while i wondered what I just got myself into.

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