Chapter 8

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Glancing around to make sure none of the soldiers were paying attention, I jumped to the closest tree branch I could. It was a little bit of a jump from the wall, but I made it. Apparently, I didn't make anyone else happy though. I could hear their yelling at me, but I ignored them and started climbing down. Jumping to the ground by the kids when I could. Both kids gasping and shrinking against the tree as far as they could.

"Easy, I'm alive." I assured them, peering at them, then blinking at the little girl, "Mary?"

She only whimpered with a nod. Good thing I choose to come down here then. Glancing towards the zombies and the gate, I made up my mind.

"Okay, when there is a safe path, you two go to the gate." I ordered, grabbing their shoulders so they would focus on me, "Only when you are sure that the path is safe."

"What about you, sleeping beauty?" She asked, as I picked up a thick sticks and pulled out my machete.

"I'm going to give you a way. Don't look back and don't hesitate when it's clear, do you understand me?" Heaven knows they'll need therapy should a zombie get me and they're watching.

Both she and the little boy looked like they wanted to cry, but they nodded. To be honest this isn't the first time, I've had to do this. Sneaking around to the path leading towards the gate, I started hitting the stick and my machete together.

"Hey, over here. Over here! Here zombie, zombie, zombie! I screamed, feeling a slight surge of fear as the zombies turned to me. That definitely got their attention. Each one moving towards me, though with their jerking movements, it will take a little while before I have to move back. It looks like I have all their attention though. I don't like it, but that's what I was going for.

Keeping my eyes on the zombies and the gate, I relaxed slightly when I saw Mary and the boy run to the gate. Both on them entering as the gate opened only slightly for them. They're safe so now I have to figure out how to get back. If they'll still let me in the walls after this little stunt. Yelping as I felt a hand grab my arm, I tried not to shiver as I stabbed the zombie that had hold of me. Glancing behind me, I tensed at the zombies that were behind me. I let my guard down for to long. I have to go forward if I want a chance at making it out alive.

"Get down." Doing as the yell ordered, I ducked as I saw an arm swing over my head. Looking up at Chase in shock.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked, killing another zombie that was getting to close.

"Gavin is going to give me an earful if anything were to happen to you after we just found you. I don't want to deal with that." He huffed, "Besides, don't think that you were the only one pissed at the way Hunter was acting. I mean who wants to take orders from him?"

"Right? I mean who just let's kids die like that?" I agreed, before pausing, "What do you know, we actually agree on something."

"Sure." He chuckled, "Don't let it get to your head. Focus on the ones in front, I got your back."

"You better." I grinned, but started making a path to the gate. Taking out any zombie that was in our way. At least I know he's willing to fight. Reaching the gate, I stopped and turned to look behind us. Not a single zombie was moving. That was a pretty big group of zombies, I'm almost surprised we took out as many as we did. Looking up at Chase, I noticed that he was almost out of breath.

"What can't handle a couple zombies?" I smirked, which he returned.

"Please, I killed way more than you did." He scoffed, "I'll admit, I was worried that you were going to let a zombie get me after what happened with our fight at the cabin."

"I could say the same to you." I pointed out, "You are definitely more reliable than I thought. Don't let that go to your head though."

He paused for a second before laughing out loud and lightly bumping into me. However, our cheery mood was ruined when the gate opened. Several men came out with their swords pointed towards us. Frowning, I held my hands up, so they would know that I'm not a danger.

A furious Hunter storming towards us. I was going to point out that he has no reason to be so made, but he grabbed the front of my jacket. His wrist was immediately grabbed by Chase though. He still didn't let me go.

"I told you to go home. Not to disobey me." Hunter screamed.

"No one said that you were my boss." I snapped, "Besides, I'm not one of the soldiers you can just order. I'm not going to let a couple kids just die when I know I can do something about it."

"They were out there, they had to deal with their consequences." He growled.

"Upset that we did your job for you, Hunter?" Chase scoffed, "Let her go, now."

Looking between them, I felt that I could almost choke on how tense the atmosphere was between them. There's something bad between them and to be honest, I don't want to be in the middle of it. If I had to choose though, I would go with Chase, even though he nearly killed me at the cabin.

"Hunter, what is going on?" That was when he finally let me go. Fixing my jacket, I nodded a thanks to Chase, who nodded back.

"General Liam, these two disobeyed direct orders and went outside the walls." Hunter answered, though it wasn't the whole truth.

"We weren't going to let kids die." I yelled, blinking as General Liam held a hand up to silence me. Considering it shocked me into silence, I would say it worked.  He briefly looked around before sighing, like a parent who's getting tired of their misbehaving child.

"Chase, Skylar, come with me. His majesty is going to want to speak to you both." Mentally wincing at that, I made sure that I didn't seem bothered by that. Instead, I glared at Hunter who was giving us a smirk, as if he knew we were going to get a sever punishment. Following Liam, I glanced over at Chase.

"So is this going to be like a court trial?" I questioned earning a troubled frown and a nod from him.

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