Chapter 2

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Moving closer to the light I could faintly hear male voices becoming clearer.

"I'm telling you, there isn't anything at this stupid cabin." One of them growled, sounding very irritated. 

Slipping behind a tree, I peeked around when I heard them on the other side of the tree.

"I still want to check." Another voice snapped, "We don't know if there is someone up there and if they're a threat to the Kingdoms. We have to eliminate them if they are."

Tensing at the words, I gasped at the two shadows walking by. They're definitely hostile, I don't want them near the girls. Letting them pass a couple yards, I pulled my pistol out and clicked the safety off. It sounded extra loud to me, but it seemed like they didn't hear it. 

I have to take care of them before they take care of us. Slipping out onto the path, I pointed to shot them, only to hear a gunshot that didn't come from my gun. Pain attacked my arm, making me suck in a sharp breath and drop my gun. Glancing behind me, I saw another person standing there with a gun pointed at me.

"Warn us next time, Gavin. You almost shot us." The second guy yelled. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw them walking back.

They haven't caught me yet though. If I run into the woods and up to the cabin, then me and the girls may have enough time to gather the our supplies and slip out a back window before they get there. With a plan in mind, I ran back into the woods as far as I dared, to the point it was almost to dark for me to see. Behind me, I could hear them yelling at me, but that didn't stop me from running to the cabin. 

I had almost made it to the porch, when I felt someone tackle me. They tried to pin me down, but from how much he was struggling, I could tell that he was light. Bucking him off, I pulled out my machete and went to cut him. 

That was until someone stronger shoved me away. I briefly lost my footing, but gained it back as I aimed a slice towards my new attacker. There was the sound of a gun going off again, but this time, I felt the pain in my right leg. Making me hiss in pain as I tried to keep standing. It seems like the person is only grazing me, as if they don't want to kill me. While the realization passed through my mind, my second attacker shoved me again. Making me trip over the step of the cabin and slam into the door, opening it. Pain burst in the back of my head and before I could fully understand what was going on, the guy jumped on my stomach. A death grip on my neck, with clear intention of not letting me go.

Somewhere behind me, I heard Rose scream, which seemed to snap him from his murderous trance. He blinked, while looking down at me before letting me go. Scrambling back as if I was poisonous. I gasped for breath and rolled over onto my side. The black around my vision was pulsing and I felt to weak to move much. I can only hope the girls know to run.

Somewhere beyond my fuzzy vision and the ringing in my ears, I could hear people talking. Then I saw someone move in front of me. Seems I have a new surge of energy. Sitting up, I swung my knife at the guy, before scooting back. Despite my screaming leg. The ringing in my ears had slowly faded to where I could faintly hear Rose.

"It's okay. They're not going to attack us anymore." She called.

I glanced at her from the corner of my eyes, yet kept the knife between me and the guy. There is no way I'm going to trust him. My throat was to sore for me to speak so I only glared at the guy to let him know. He seemed to understand because he slowly removed the gun on his belt and set it on the floor. He even removed some hidden knives he had. After doing all that, he put his hands back up. A small reassuring smile on his face.

"I just want to help." He explained. Studying him for a minute, I saw that he was absolutely sincere in what he was saying. I suppose he can't hurt my anymore than I already am, without killing me. Putting my knife away, I ignored his cheerful smile.

"You're lucky we decided to bring a first aid hit." He chuckled, before pulling out a small box from his bag. Rolling my eyes, I scooted away from the door and shut it. If no one is going to go out for a while then no use in letting the cold, or the zombies, in.

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