Chapter 6

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Gasping as I sat up, immediately on alert when I didn't know where I was. The room had white walls and ceiling as if whoever painted it, wanted to mimic a hospital room. It even smelled like a hospital, which made my skin crawl.

"Sky, take it easy." Rose called as she and Cassie appeared on both sides of the bed. Both of them grabbing my hands and shoulders to calm me down. The nightmare I had and the strange room, wasn't helping me calm down though. It's the same nightmare since the apocalypses started and they know it.

"It's okay." Cassie assured me, "We're okay. Gavin and his group brought you to a hospital in the Kingdom. You've been in induced coma for a couple weeks."

"An induced coma?" I managed to choke out, finally spotting the mirror across from me. Most of my bruises were gone. The bullet wounds on my arm and leg were red, but showed signs of healing. 

"Why was I put in a coma?" I asked, looking at them, then noticing  Gavin sitting in a chair by the door. He realized I spotted him and made his way over.

"We didn't think you would let yourself heal. You needed rest to heal." He explained, making me roll my eyes.

"I wouldn't be here in the first place if you hadn't shot me." I muttered, then winced at the slap to the back of the head I got from Rose.

"Say thank you to him. He's the one who's talking to his father about letting us stay here." She hissed.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to him. The grin he had wasn't smug, but I still didn't like it.

"Thank you." I managed to growl out as politely as I could, though there was no feeling in it. He seemed to accept it though.

"Gavin here is actually a kind of Prince since his father is the King here." Cassie explained.

"Yeah and how's that going?" I grumbled, stretching. There was still some pain, but it's manageable.

"However long you girls want. Preferable forever, but we don't hold people here against their will." He answered as if I was talking to him.

Which means we can stay here through the winter then leave in the spring, if the weather is good. Jumping when I heard the door open, I glanced over at the lady who came in, with a girl about our age.

"Ah, looks like you're awake, Skylar. I'm doctor Evelyn and this is my assistant Angelina. How do you feel now?" The doctor asked, writing some stuff down on a clipboard.

"I'm feeling fine. Thank you for fixing me." I thanked, then felt Gavin's eye's on me.

"You didn't hesitate to thank her." He muttered as if he couldn't believe I could be polite.

"She's a professional." I pointed out, then glanced at the door, "So, am I good to go or do we need to fill our paperwork?"

She blinked at me before chuckling, "We don't sign paperwork here. You can leave whenever you want."

Nodding another thanks to her, I turned to Rose and Cassie, "Let get going them."

Then grinned in excitement as they headed to the door and I stood. Patting myself down, I panicked when I didn't feel any of my belongings. I'm not leaving without them. Turning back to the Doctor Evelyn, I was about to ask her, when there was a strong, careful push behind me.

"All your stuff is already at the house." Gavin explained pushing me towards the door, like he wanted to get out of there in a hurry.

Following, Rose and Cassie outside, I almost couldn't believe how many people there were. Some were women with baskets and children following them. Others were groups of men talking and laughing together. It almost reminded me of our home town back in Missouri.

"It's pretty great, huh?" Rose asked, though I know she was bragging about convincing us to come here.

"Very peaceful." I agreed, trying not to shiver against the cold. The temperature has dropped a lot compared to when I was last awake. I wouldn't be surprised if it would start snowing soon.

"Gavin." Pausing at the yell, we all looked over at the little girl who was running up to us. She couldn't have been much older than seven. A wide smile on her face as she grabbed his hand. It was clear, for how closely they resemble each other, that they were siblings.

"Hi, Mary." He laughed, "Skylar, Rose, Cassie this is my younger sister. Mary this is,"

"Sleeping beauty." She cheered bouncing over and grabbing my hand, "I knew you would wake up." 

Confused, I glanced up at Gavin, who only looked away. He definitely has something to do with this. 

"Sweetie, my name is Skylar." I carefully explained.

"I know that but you've been asleep for a long time. Just like sleeping beauty." She giggled.

There's no way I'm going to convince her to stop calling me that. I suppose it's fine for now.

"Mary, we were going to show her where they will be staying." Gavin explained, which made her green eyes light up in excitement.

"Yes, yes. Let's go." I want to show you everything." She cheered trying to pull me along. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, I followed her, the others close behind me.

 I could almost hear them scoffing at how I'm acting with Mary. The thing is though, I don't care. Mary is a lot like my younger brother, well how he was. She's even about his age and has his energy. 

Pull my hand from hers gently, I looked up at the two story house she stopped at. Her arms spread wide, like she was showing off the house.

"Welcome home, Sleeping Beauty." She cheered, rushing inside. Hesitating, I still didn't know if I wanted to go in when Rose and Cassie went in. This is only a temporary place. We're going to be leaving in the spring. Should we really have such a nice house?

Feeling the nudge against my side, I looked over at Gavin, who gave me an encouraging smile.

"Go a head. It's warmer inside and there's food ready." 

That actually sounds really good, right now. Slipping in, I sighed at the comfortable warmth. Not to mention the smell of the food, made my mouth water.

"Sleeping Beauty here." Mary called, rushing over with something in her hands that she was giving to me. Accepting it, I blinked at the cookie that was still warm. I haven't had one of these in a long time. Taking a bite, I gasped at how good it tasted. I had nearly forgotten what anything not canned or cooked over a fire taste like. It's almost depressing now that I think about it.

"Thank you." I hummed, watching her run off. Somewhere, I could hear Rose, Cassie, and other voices laughing. It really feels welcoming, like an actual home.

"Come on. There's a feast in the kitchen." Gavin chuckled, but I ignored the chuckle and followed him. Maybe coming here wasn't a bad idea after all.

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