Alex's punishment!

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Alex wakes up to find a strange padding around his waist. He then pulls his sheets off to find he's wearing a onesie and a very wet padding of some sort.

Alex's mom - Hey Alex, or should I say Susie..

Alex- Wait mom, what do you mean by susie?

Alex's mom- well for being mean to your sister and calling her a baby. You are being forced to be a baby while we're in DisneyWorld. We have a list of rules for you! Anne, please explain!

Anne- hey, little bro! Since you were mean to me and were a jerk, we have some rules for you follow your rules are

Rule 1: Refer to mom as mommy and refer to me as big sister!

Rule 2: You will wear and use your diaper in the day and wear overnight diapers at night.

Rule 3 Any Disobeying will result in a punishment!

Rule 4: You will be sitting in a high chair when you eat!

Rule 5: You will be changed only when we decide to change you! No asking, or you're stuck in your stinky diaper all day

Rule 6: If you start arguing or whining with us, you will have a pacifire put in your mouth!

Rule 7: Obey all the rules that apply

So "Susie" you will be treated like a baby for the entirety of our trip. If you disobey, we might extend your punishment until the end of the year! You would be thrown into daycare and have to relearn how to be a big boy! So obey the rules and you should be fine!

Alex's mom - Well, now that that's settled, do you have any questions, susie?

Alex- Mom, why are you doing this to me, I thought we were past this. I don't want or need diapers.

Alex's mom- listen Jake, you're being treated like this because you kept making fun of your sister, oh, and we forgot a rule! You keep this pacifire in your mouth until we take it out!

Mom then places a pacifire in Jakes mouth and picks him up, and brings him to the car!

Alex's mom - You stay in the back in case "susie"  needs a change, you can tell me!

Anne jumps in the back, sitting next alex in his big boy carseat!

Anne- Hey mom, is he going to be in a stroller in DisneyWorld?

Alex's mom - Yes, Honey, he is going to be our baby girl after all!

Anne- thats awesome. I can't wait for the look on his face when he gets a diaper change in the public restroom!

Alex looks at his mom in fear! Alex thinks to himself! "She can't be serious,"

Anne- Hey mom, if jake doesn't use his diapers, what are we going to do?

Alex's mom- thanks for reminding me, I have this injection 💉 that makes Alex lose complete control over his bladder and bowels for as long as we want! Im thinking a week because thats how long will be gone, but that depends how much he disobeys, if he disobeys more than 3 times hes in diapers for the next year and our baby boy for as long as we want! After we get out of the car, I'll inject him, ok?

Anne- Ok, mom! (Anne whispers to Alex), you hear that buddy soon. I'll make sure you're our baby for the rest of the year! Can't wait to learn how to change you, hehe!

Alex then started to worry that if she made me misbehave, I would be in diapers and treated like a baby forever, so i have to keep my guard up!

Anne- It's ok susie soon ill be more than your big sister! Hehe! I'll be out of diapers, and you'll be the one in stinky soggy diapers, and I'll be in training pants soon! Hehe!

Alex's mom- Ok guys were almost there, susie. im going to come to the back to give you your injection, Anne, get the bags!

Alex's mom then injects me, and I fall asleep!

What will happen next???

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