the slytherin boys confessing their feelings to you

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mattheo riddle

- it's late at night and you can't sleep so you head down to the common room to sit by the fireplace

- mattheo is already there and you don't notice it's him at first. you turn to go back to your dorm because you don't want to bother whoever is already sitting by the fire.

- mattheo hears you turning to leave and calls out to you, telling you to come sit with him.

- you spend hours talking, getting more and more comfortable with each other as each minute and topic passes on.

- it's nearly daybreak when you tell him you need to get some rest, he stops you as you get up to leave.

- "i've missed my chance all night, and i have to tell you now," he comes right out and tells you about his feelings, "i've always had something for you, and i just needed to tell you because after tonight i couldn't keep it to myself any longer. i understand if you don't feel the same way, but you just needed to know."

- you're shocked to say the least. you're surprised that he would have feelings for you because of his notorious playboy attitude he's flaunted for years.

- you tell him you also have feelings for him, but you're not sure about anything because of said persona.

- he pleads with you, "i promise i'm not playing with you, if you give me a chance, i promise i will be the best partner possible."

- and of course you give him a chance and of course he keeps his promise.

theodore nott

- one night you and your friends were playing a game of 7 minutes in heaven when you were sent to a closet with theo

- he's been your crush since 3rd year and to say you were flustered is an understatement. he had also had a crush on you for years and wasn't in any better position.

- the closet was small and the two of you sat across from each other on the floor, your knees just barely brushing up against the others.

- theo had a watch on his left wrist he kept continuously checking, because why would he want to be stuck in a closet with you?

- you looked away from him into the darkness of the closet when you heard him speak softly, "we don't have to do anything, we can just talk."

- "about?"

- he didn't want his feelings to come out like this but when else would he get to be alone with you like this?

- "i have something to say,"

- you braced yourself for the worst. "i don't want to just sit here, y/n. because i really really like you, and have for a while now."

- oh wow. you did not expect that one.

- you lean in closer to him, pressing your lips against his. safe to say the both of you were satisfied.

lorenzo berkshire

- he honestly would just come right out and tell you whenever he felt it was right

- he had been pining over you for two years and never found the right time to tell you. you were either all in a group or just never alone together in a place where he felt it was right.

- he'd rejected the advances of half of the school for two years waiting for you. no matter what he did, it just seemed like you weren't interested, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

- one night the two of you were smoking atop the astronomy tower, alone. the scene felt intimate and enzo knew it was the right time to tell you.

- he looked over to you blowing smoke out, the wind brushing through your hair, "you're so beautiful," he whispered towards you.

- you rolled your eyes at him, "enzo, stop, you don't mean that." Enzo is a flirty person, he's constantly saying things he doesn't mean to people all over campus

- "i do,"

- "enzo-"

- "baby. of course i mean it, why do you think i haven't been with anyone for the past two years? because i want you. every part of you,"

- he left you speechless

- "so if you would please give me a chance and let me kiss you, i could show you what you mean to me,"

- the kiss was electric and god, he really showed you what your meant to him.

blaise zabini

- he would say something previously about liking you, but you thought he had been joking so you didn't respond with anything except a laugh

- for the next couple days he avoided you at all costs.

- he didn't say anything else until you cornered him forced it out of him.

- "why have you been avoiding me?"
- "right, like you'd want to see me,"
- "what are you talking about?"
- "i confessed my feelings to you and you laughed at me! like you actually laughed me!"

- what? when did he..? and then that's when it hit you.

-"you were serious? blaise i thought you were joking,"
- "why would i be joking, y/n? you're quite literally perfect and all consuming and any guy would be lucky to have you, i just thought i'd be that lucky guy, but then you laughed and i-"

- you cut him off with a kiss, there was nothing you hated more than miscommunication and making your friends feel less than they were. but the way blaise expressed his feelings to you, you could jump his bones right there in the common room.

draco malfoy

- he would not be ready to tell you when it slipped out. you, him, and blaise were sitting together at the three broomsticks.

- it was a normal hang out that the three of you had. you started these a couple months ago when you needed a study break, and it because a monthly encounter - during these months draco had developed a small crush on you - blaise was the only one who knew.

- you were sitting beside draco, blaise across from you. the two of them held a joking banter, talking about who knows what, when you heard you name.

- "i'm not the one that's in love with y/n!"

- everyone froze. blaise's eyes widened and draco's face had turned a blushed pink. you were just confused.

- "i'm going to go refill my butter beer," blaise stood abruptly, leaving you with draco.

- draco turned to you, "listen, i'm not in love with you, i just like you, i guess, like really like you, and i didn't want to tell you because we've only been hanging out for a little while and-" he rambled on and on.

- "draco stop," he looked up at you partially afraid, "i like you too, and i'd love to go out with you, if you'd want to?"

- "yeah, yeah, i'd like that a lot,"

- "good," you scooted closer to him and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and laying your head on his shoulder.


okay first head-cannons done!! tell me what you think and what you want to see ⇩⇩

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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