1-her man

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You angrily pulled off your gloves and walked with heavy steps, you felt someone close behind you but chose to ignore them.

"L/n please I'm really sorry" Midoriya was running to catch up to you but you quickened your pace

"I thought it would've worked!" She exclaimed before tripping and falling to her feet.

You stopped and turned to walk over to her, you lowered yourself to her level.

"You thought?" You grabbed her face and stared right at her. "If you had gone with my plan and my calculated timing, we would've won"

Her eyes had become watery but she didn't say anything, she tried leaving your grasp on her chin but you only pressed harder

"I understand that you're smarter then me but you lack control over that quirk of yours, I'm better then you at combat, you should've left that to me" you let go of her and continued your way back to class

You knew it was a mistake on her part but it made you so angry, she was so perfect and had everything

She had what you wanted most.

You opened the classroom door and locked eyes with bakugo.
You really hated her for that.

"Where's Deku?" Uraraka suddenly asked making you break contact with bakugo

You shrugged and walked past her. "Probably crying her eyes out somewhere"

You saw bakugo look at you for a moment and walk out of the classroom. You knew he left to go look for his crying girlfriend.

Maybe even comfort her.

You felt angry all over again, seeing him walk out to look for her made you even less sympathetic towards her.

"Useless bitch" you muttered to yourself


The harsh knocking at your door woke you up from your nap, you sat up trying to blink away your tiredness.

The knocking continued but more aggressively.

Today wasn't your day, Midoriya fucked your grade and now your door was being pounded on when you were trying to rest.

As soon as you opened your door, you were shoved back in and your door was slammed shut.

"What'd you say to her you bitch?" Bakugo grabbed you by your neck, staring right at you.

"Only what she needed to hear" you smirked but struggling to talk

Bakugo scoffed letting go of you, you immediately had a coughing fit.

You held your neck from the pain but you really liked it. Nobody but bakugo made you feel so specious .

"She hasn't stopped crying" he suddenly said, he glared hard at you. "I know you said something stupid"

You nodded with a smile, your eyes still teary red from the choking.

"Maybe you should make me cry for making her cry" you said getting close to him, bakugo clicked his tongue and walked over to your bed to take a seat

You went over to him, you sat right next to him and stroked his back
"You need to be careful around her Y/n" he looked over at you and back again at his hands.
"She's overly sensitive"

You nodded and placed your head on his shoulder
"Fine" you whispered. You knew he pretended to care but it was obvious that she drained him

Bakugo wasn't actually patient.
You began to kiss him and he let himself, he sat completely still as you did whatever you wanted

"If he actually cared, he wouldn't be here" you smiled climbing on top of him



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