Chapter 35: Let's make it official.

Start from the beginning

It's refreshing not having to explain every little thing going on in my brain. To have someone listen and nod in actual understanding, not some mirrored sympathy of some sorts.

We get each other. Just like how Sebastian and Julian get one another. They're logical way of thinking simply makes sense to them and that's such a wonderful thing. I get it now.

How they make it work

I get why things didn't work out at all in my previous relationship.

I get it all now.

And it's because of this new way of thinking that everything worked out the way they did last night:

"How are you feeling today, Noah?" Sebastian's voice echoes gently throughout my room and I spin in my desk chair to find him leaning against my doorframe in a calm, cool and collected manner; as per usual.

"Fine, actually," I stand from my seat, my back enjoying the break from being in that same seating position for who knows how long. "I've managed to distract myself all afternoon for once," I joke and it actually brings a small grin to his face.

"This whole thing will be over before you know it," he pushes himself off the frame and walks over to me with long strides. "We were thinking we go out for dinner tonight?"

My eyebrows raise, "I thought we agreed for all our safety to lay low with the outdoor dates for now?"

His warm hand cups my cheek, the thumb rubbing back-and-forth right under my tired eyes, just like that one night in winter when they all took care of me. That same gentle touch. "We did, but that doesn't mean we can't be innovative," his other hand takes me by surprise as he interlocks our fingers and pulls me towards my door.

"Where are we going?" I stare down at both myself, our hands, then to his own attire that matches my own in the sense that we're both very much so in our pajamas. "We can't go out like this..." He simply ignores my logic and keeps tugging me forward. I let him, of course, who am I to deny one of the men who have blossomed this feeling in my once shattered heart?

Before I know it, we reach the front door. At first, I thought he wouldn't really think to go out to a restaurant like this, but here we are. The beeping of the security system Sebastian set up rings out briefly as he opens then promptly shuts the door behind us. We don't even have proper shoes on...

My toes peek out from my open-toed slippers and I shake my head at the sight. Well, this will be a fun date...

As we make our way to the garage, I mentally prepare myself for all of the stares we'll get. Not that I would particularly care, but I'm surprised the others-

A full on gasp leaves me as soon as we round the corner by their garage. Their backyard. I completely forgot they have a whole backyard. I've only seen it once, but it most certainly didn't look like this last time I checked...

A sort of canopy has been set up in the middle of the space, fairly lights hanging off the sides that are most definitely sweet Asher's doing. A hand ushers me forward on my lower back, my eyes flitting around the beautifully set up backyard. A flickering ball of light steals my attention, the many candles keeping the bugs away and add that fancy touch that comes with Julian wherever he goes.

My shaky fingers grab the table right as the warmth on my lower back leaves. I take the moment to take everything in. The pink rose petals on the table that must be new as I've never seen it before. A beige table cloth hides the surface if it and wooden stools line the sides perfectly symmetrical.

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