A girl with strawberry-hued hair pouted, her disappointment palpable. "Well, I'll see you later, I guess," she said, a hint of longing in her voice.

Haerin's smile remained flawless, but her internal disdain festered. She loathed the girl for her persistence, yet she maintained the charade. "Yes, later," she replied, her footsteps carrying her away from the group.

As Haerin walked away, a shroud of mystery clung to her like a second skin, and the ever-present shadows whispered of secrets yet to be unveiled.


Minji's exasperated huff filled the stillness of the girls' bathroom as she stood before the gleaming porcelain sink. Her face, glistening with droplets of water, stared back at her in the well-lit mirror. "What was that?" she pondered, her thoughts racing like a waterfall cascading over jagged rocks.

She splashed cool water onto her face, hoping the clarity it brought could wash away the confusion that gripped her. As she wiped her face dry, a sense of unease settled in her chest. The echo of Haerin's piercing gaze lingered, casting long shadows over her thoughts.

Minji expected consequences, for she had seen the flicker of annoyance in Haerin's eyes. She knew that Haerin's scrutiny ran deeper than any surface-level curiosity. There was a mystery shrouding their connection, and Haerin was at the heart of it.

Haerin was nowhere to be found when Minji emerged from the bathroom, her presence evaporated like a phantom. Minji felt a twinge of regret, wondering if she had overstepped some unspoken boundary. Yet, deep down, she also yearned for answers.

With a sigh, she shouldered her backpack and headed to her next class, determined to push aside her tangled emotions for the time being. The school's corridors bustled with students, each absorbed in their own worlds, oblivious to the enigmatic bond that held Minji and Haerin together.

As she entered her classroom, Minji couldn't shake the feeling that they were both treading on a precipice, teetering on the edge of a world where the shadows concealed more than they revealed. It was a world where mysteries and secrets lurked, waiting to be uncovered.

The bell rang, and Minji took her seat, her mind racing with unanswered questions and the faint trace of Haerin's unsettling presence still lingering in the recesses of her thoughts.


The night in Minji's dorm was still, the soft glow of her desk lamp casting an intimate circle of light over her books and papers. She sat at her desk, attempting to focus on her homework, but her thoughts were anything but concentrated. Haerin's recent interactions with other girls had left a bitter taste in her mouth, and it was causing an unsettling tension between them.

The rhythmic tapping of knuckles against her door disrupted her concentration, but Minji chose to ignore it, her annoyance palpable. When the knocking persisted, she inserted her earphones, turning up the music to drown out the intrusion.

It was on the third knock that Minji finally surrendered and removed her earphones. She sighed, a mixture of frustration and resignation as she prepared herself to face Haerin. Despite her irritation, there was a part of her that couldn't resist the pull of Haerin's presence.

Haerin's faint breath brushed against Minji's neck as she approached, and an instinctive shiver coursed through Minji's body. She didn't consciously register her reaction as she bared her neck, her pulse quickening mindlessly.

For a moment, neither of them spoke, the room filled with an unspoken tension that seemed to crackle with electricity. Minji struggled to focus on her homework, her inner turmoil battling with her determination to concentrate on her studies.

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