Chapter 15

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The light filtering through the window above the sink warms my face as I pull another dish from the soapy water, I scrub vigorously at the ceramic, trying to get the food stuck on  off the surface. The trees outside sway as the wind howls, a ghostly whistle echoes through the quiet kitchen.

    I lift the soapy dish, water dripping down my wrists, wetting the material of my shirt. I turn the plate over in my hands, making sure all the residue has been scrubbed off. I bump the sink faucet with my forearm and the hot water sputters from it, I'm rinsing the soap off when a hand closes around my waist.

    A warm chest against my back, as minty breath tickles the hairs on the back of my neck. "You don't have to do all the dishes, It's my turn anyways." Kai's voice vibrates against my back, and I look over my shoulder at him slightly. His pale white skin is still marred with green and purple bruises from his week in Romania.

"You're still recovering, you should still be in bed." I place the plate on the drying rack and plunge my hands back into the soapy water, pulling another plate from it and begin scrubbing the sponge along it.

"I'm feeling better now," Kai says, as he reaches for the dish towel that is resting on the counter next to the drying rack. He moves to stand next to me, I watch from the corner of my eye as he starts to dry the plates that line the drying rack. After a moment I continue washing and placing them on the rack as Kai dries them. Soon all the dishes in the sink are dry and stacked neatly in piles on the counter.

I rinse the soap down the drain of the sink and Kai opens the cabinets that contain the plates. I watch as he places the plates in the cabinet, his chest heaving as he rests both hands against the counter, his head hanging down.

"Kai, I've got it. Please go lay back down." I reach over, grabbing the bowls from in front of him and putting them in the cabinet. Kai's shoulders are still heaving with each breath, and his face is twisted in pain.

"Please..." I whisper, hovering my hands over his shoulders, unsure if I should help him or if it will just make things worse. Kai looks up, and runs a hand through his shaggy black hair. He slowly stands upright, trying to hide his pained look as he turns towards me.

"Okay.. I'll go lay down, but promise you'll come sit with me later? Maybe we can watch a movie or something?" He wraps an arm around his middle, and I nod, gently taking his arm in my hand and walking to the kitchen doorway.

"I will, I'll come check on you in a little while. Don't forget to take the pain meds Lucas got you." I lean up and kiss his cheek lightly, Kai smiles and I watch as he slowly makes his way through the front room and up the stairs. When I can no longer hear his footsteps on the stairs, I head back into the kitchen. I put the rest of the dishes away, before pulling out a coffee mug. I set the mug down under the stainless steel spouts of Kai's espresso maker, pressing the preprogrammed shot button.

The machine whirs to life, grinding the appropriate amount of beans, as it starts to pull the shots I open the fridge pulling out the milk and the homemade vanilla syrup Maverick helped me make. I lean against the counter, drumming my fingers against the smooth stone, while the shots drip from the spouts into the black double walled cup.

Once the machine beeps, I pour in the milk and vanilla. After replacing them in the fridge I hold the hot cup against my chest and head into the pool area. Maverick is pacing along the stone floors in front of the floor to ceiling windows. His phone is pressed to his ear as he listens to whoever is on the other end.

I take a seat in one of the lounge chairs, tucking my feet under me, my eyes tracking Mavericks movements. He runs a hand through his blonde hair, causing his usually messy spikes to become even wilder. He stops his pacing as I watch him over the brim of my cup, the hot liquid almost burning my lips. He turns towards me, his honey and cloudy gray eyes widening at my presence.

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