Chapter 7

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Kai is sitting in the living room, his head in hands, elbows resting on his knees, his black hair is disheveled more than usual like he's been tugging on it. His head jerks up as he hears Mav and I walk into the living room. His gaze sliding down my small frame covered by Mavericks hoodie, stopping on Mavericks hand guiding me gently by the waist. Maverick clears his throat, Kai's eyes flicker to him before he stands.

"Lydia, I'm so sorry," He walks towards me, and I stiffen as his hand reaches out to me. His hand drops to his side in defeat, as I walk past him to curl up against the side of the couch. Kai sits on the chair across from me, and Maverick plops down next to me, the couch dipping causing me to slide a little so my back is pressed against his side. He throws his arm over the back of the chair, his fingers playing with the ends of my long hair.

"I promise I wasn't going to give you over to him, Lucas has been laying a paper trail to where Andras thinks I'm stationed. I had to tell him I was getting close to finding you or he would be suspicious, I was going to tell him that it was a dead end. That you were gone by the time I got there. Lydia, you have to believe that. The last thing I would do is let him take you. He would have to kill me, and the others before I let him anywhere near you." Kai pleads his green eyes glassy with emotion.

Chewing my bottom lip, I twist my hands in my lap, "okay... I just don't know... You kept that from me... And to read that you were going to give him to me by the end of the week... I don't know, I just panicked. The things he's done... the things he's told me he wants to do to me... I can't go back" My voice breaks, and tears slip down my cheeks.

"I'm flying out tonight to Romania, Andras wants a debriefing in person about my progress. I'll be gone for a few days but Lucas and Maverick will be here with you. They'll protect you and get you anything you need. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what I've been telling Andras, I should've. I won't keep things like that from you again." He stands and walks from the room, leaving me and Maverick on the couch.

After a moment Maverick looks over at me, and covers my fidgeting hands with his own. "You okay sweetheart?" He asks, and my eyes flicker to his face. I give a half shrug and pull my hands from his, and twist a lock of hair around my fingers. Mav drops his arm from the back on the couch to around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. My head resting on his chest, his body heat against my cheek.

I pretend to study my hair twirling through my fingers, as I revel in Mavericks hold. It feels safe. It's been so long since someone held me, like they would protect me from whatever was out there. I wanted nothing more than to sit in his arms forever, but my mind kept playing over the fact that this was part of a job. They were obligated to watch out for me for some reason.

Maverick was only here because Kai asked him to be, but on the other hand the tenderness in his eyes was hard to fake.

"What are you thinking about Sweet Girl?" Mav's deep honey voice rumbles under my cheek, drawing me from my thoughts.

"I'm afraid of what's going to happen if Andras finds me again... I don't remember what my life was like before him. I'm just starting to figure out what life is like after him. I don't want it all to go away. I don't want to be back there, struggling to keep my head above water. Struggling to survive the next minute, the next moment." A stray tear slips down my cheek, and onto Mav's dark blue t-shirt. His arm tightens around my shoulder drawing me closer, and I swear I feel the slightest brush of his lips against my hair.

"I know this whole situation is new to you, that you have a lot to figure out, but besides that email, has Kai ever given you a reason not to trust him?"

"No... You're right..." I sit up slightly, turning towards Mav, his eyes track my movement and I lean over, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you," I whisper, "For saving me."  I stand up off the couch, leaving Maverick on the couch in the living room. Making my way through the house, up the stairs to the hallway. Down the hallway one of the doors that is usually closed is cracked open. A faint rustling is coming from inside, followed by a heavy sigh. Padding closer to the door I pause, ears straining as Kai moves around the room.

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