Chapter 19: King Tucker Vs King Tut Pt.4

Start from the beginning

"I'll have to ask the curator about it. What about the others?"

"This is the portrait Dick called us over to see. It looks exactly like Tucker. Sam handed back her picture.

The officer held the picture up to compare with Tucker's face. "My God... they could be the same person!"

The principal snatched the photo away from the policeman. "Let me see that. You're right! This could be news worthy! I must make a copy of this, excuse me." He left the room, only thinking about the publicity he could get for telling the news. In the hallway, the principal ran into Shirley. "Late again Shirley, I'll speak with you in a moment."

Everyone still in the principals office just sat in awkward silence until the officer cleared his throat. "So um... what about the last one? Do you know recognize it?"

All three teens gasped at the photo for different reasons. Sam because saw that staff this morning, Dick because he suspected it was what King Tut was after, while Tucker knew that Hotep Ra kept saying he would need it to become 'the proper Pharaoh'. "That scepter was beside the portrait and the mirror."

"I see... I should head back to the museum and talk to the curator. My name's Fred Jones. Here's my card if you remember anything else." Officer Jones handed each of them a GCPD card with two different numbers. "The first one is the office number and the second calls the my personal work phone. You kids a have day." He gave a small nod before leaving.

"Should we wait until the principal comes back?" Dick looked out the open doorway and saw another student waiting outside. "Maybe we can tell her to tell the principal we went back to class."

"Do we really have to go back? Third period is almost over anyway. We all have the same lunch period,, why not find a place not a lot of people hang out and discuss what just happened because this was strange." Sam turned to the boys expectantly.

Tucker and Dick glanced at each other before nodding, the shorter male taking out his phone. "Can Artemis come too? She knows a lot about Egyptian artifacts."

"I don't see why not."

"Cool, I'll text her now. Where are we meeting?"

"How about the rooftop? It hasn't rained in a couple days and hardly anyone goes up there. Also we can eat our lunches up there as well."

"Sounds good, see you guys up there." Dick left the office and stopped to talk to Shirley. Once he was alone he called Artemis. "You know about Egyptian artifacts right?"

"A little bit why?"

"I told Sam and Tucker that you knew a lot about Egyptian artifacts so you would have a reason to come up to the roof with us."

"So if either of them see us talking on our own about this they won't get mad, smart. Send me the artifacts so I can actually know what I'm talking about."


Sam and Tucker were still in the principals office having a conversation of their own. "You agree that Dick wants Artemis there so we don't get suspicious about them talking about this entire thing, right?"

"It's very obvious, so are you coming to with me to the cafeteria?"

"Do they have actual vegan options or is it another vegetarian option they're trying to pass as vegan?"

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