Chapter twenty three

Depuis le début

"I'm feeling enthusiastic for you, don't mind the music."

"It's okay bro", I giggle.

He's driving, tapping his steering wheel with the rhythm of the music.

"Thank you, Marco. It means a lot to me."

"It's nothing, Roskov."

We are talking, and he's the only one that didn't notice "me changing". I enjoy it from him.

"Go join your princess, prince."

The ride was as long as the first time I came to visit her, but felt like it was shorter.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

I get out of his car, closing the door next to me. He waves at me and is leaving.

"Don't be naughty!"  he opens the window, screaming it so I can hear it while he leaves.

I chuckle and stare at the big house of hers, before getting in.

"Hello, handsome!" She says, opening the door. "I saw you from my room window. Come in."

I step into her house, and she grabs my face to kiss me, with so much intensity that her glasses fall on the ground.

"My parents are not home today. It's better this way isn't it?"

They are probably not there because they are celebrating the Saint Jean Baptiste, on this 24th of June. I grab her glasses and give her back. Thankfully they didn't break.

"Yeah, as long as I am seeing you."

"Exactly", she is smirking, stroking my chin with her fingers.

She's taking my arm to get in her room, and we both sit on her bed. Her house has many stairs, and there is  a minty smell in her room.

"Hey uh, were you trying to get distances with me earlier?"she asks, a few centimetres away from me.

"It's not that, Vicky... It's more complicated."

"Mh, why? You think I'm boring?"

"No, absolutely not", I look at her Volleyball medals hanging on the wall.

"Then what?"

"I got diagnosed. I have depression, Vicky."

"Ah", she looks away. "Since when?"

"Two months ago. Please, don't tell people about this. It's hard enough to tell you." I take her hand.

"Okay but how did it make you more distant with me?"

"There is no exact explanation about this, Vicky. I guess I'm just distant from pretty much everyone in my environment these days."

"What made you come here? And who?"

"Because I want to make more efforts in our relationship, Vicky. If I didn't love you I wouldn't want this. Please, give me a chance."

I hold her hand tighter and my other hand is stroking her hair.

"I promise you I won't give up on you even if these days aren't so easy. You are really important to me Vicky and-"

She uses her index to put it in front of my mouth.
"Shhh...I know what can make you less depressed" she says, and kisses me. I try to keep on justifying my love for her, but she keeps on kissing me, for so long and she starts being on top of me. I kiss her back passionately, but I feel like she's going to go further.

"Vicky..." I try to speak.

"I had a dream about you, it was super hot."

She interrupts me to kiss me again, with her tongue and she starts to remove her shirt and shorts, exposing herself in her delicate, withe lingerie. A lingerie that is probably worth a lot of money. She has a slim and slightly muscular body, and she has a bow tie in the middle of her voluminous chest, and moles in precise parts of her body. My eyes never saw a girl in lingerie in front of me.

"I know you want that", she says smiling full of confidence.

She is moving her waist, back  and forth across my  lower body. I let out moans by accident, because of the sensation she's giving me but I know that I can't let her do that. She'll be noticing my scars and I'm simply not into doing this right now. I am not seeing her this way, and God is watching me. I feel Him telling me to not let her do this, that she is a red flag but I'm stubborn.

"Vicky stop..." I tell her.

It's weird, she is giving me ticklish sensations, down there. It's arousal.

"Aw you start begging I like that", she keeps on pulling them off.

"I can't do that, Vicky", I try to make her leave my body with my hands, but she takes them to put them on her smooth chest.

She isn't listening to me. She keeps on moving her waist but faster and she moans softly in my ear.

"Vicky, stop!" I stand up violently and she almost fall.

"What is your problem?" she scoffs.

"I can't, Vicky."

"You refuse to have sex with me because you don't love me enough right? I thought you really love me."

"I do love you, Vicky. I just can't do that."

"Okay, then go away."

She is crossing her arms still in her lingerie and gloss all over her face but I approach her instead.

"Vicky, let's get things straight, please...I told you I want to make efforts in our relationship. I can't just leave."

"Yes, you can! And you must!"

"I just want you to know that I'm just not ready to have sex Vicky. I'm not looking for it right now. But that does not mean I don't love you", I tell her, not screaming back.

"Oh, I don't care! Just get out! You ruined everything! You clearly wanted that Alexei, you were literally moaning."

"I told you to stop, Vicky. It was very clear."

"Enough, bye!"

"Vicky, let me speak", I tell her calmly.

"No! It's just so embarrassing for me! I was in fire and you just ruined the vibe."

She is pushing my elbow, and slam the door in my face. I stare at the closed door, and stand there for long seconds, feeling my eyes becoming wet.

I don't want to loose her. Will she give up on me like that? Is there any way that I could win her heart again?

< 🥱Marco🥱
How is it?

She's kicking me out. I refused to sleep with her.

Oh, I'm sorry man...

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