Chapter eighteen

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Today is one of the most stressful days of the week I had. Well, including Wednesday. I'm honored to meet Vicky's parents, but I don't know how much they expect from me. My mom is giving me a ride, and constantly smiles, probably very excited for me. I am too, a lot. My dad well, he doesn't know about all this, my relationship situation. My sister texts her already, seeing her as a best friend now even though she knows her two days ago.

The ride is a little bit long, but it's okay. I don't mind so much. I'm also really happy that Mom doesn't bring up any subjects about my appointment with the doctor.

We are parking in front of a beautiful Mediterranean house. Definitely, there is not a lot like this in my city. Literally a house worth 900k dollars or more. I can see her Audi parked next to our car and I feel nervous, even if I seem neutral.

"Privet dorogoy. YA znayu, chto yeye roditeli budut lyubit' tebya, khorosho? Ne boysya."
"Hey dear. I know her parents will love you, okay? Don't be afraid", my mom is stroking my cheek.

"YA ne znayu, kakovy ikh ozhidaniya, mama."
"I don't know what their expectations are,Mom."

The melting snow on the roof of her house is combining into cold water drops, falling over the brown coffee tiles below. "Aleksey, kakoy vzroslyy mozhet tebya ne lyubit'?"
"Alexei, what adult can not love you?"

Mh, my French teacher. "Da, no mama, ty tol'ko posmotri na yeye dom. Budet li chto-to delat', chto my ne tak bogaty, kak oni?"
"Yes, but Mom, just look at her house. Will it do something if we are not as rich as they are?"

We are not rich, or poor. Simply in the middle class. My parents worked so hard to make university again and to buy us a house instead of a little apartment last year. We are not missing anything, nor have everything we want. That's how it works.

"Aleksey, vy ser'yezno? Prosto bud' vezhlivym i milym. Eto to, chto deystvitel'no vazhno dlya roditeley."
"Alexei, are you serious? Just be polite and nice. This is what really matters to parents."

It wasn't like this for her and Andrei's parents. "Nu, posle togo, kak ya uznala, kak k tebe otnosilis' roditeli Andreya, ya ne ubedilas'" "Well, after I found out how Andrei's parents treated you, I'm not convinced."

My mom is being silent and probably is thinking of her husband right now. It wasn't my intention. "My... My ne budem ob etom govorit', ladno?"
"We... We won't talk about it, okay?" she is stuttering.

I respect what she asks me. I am not saying anything and I still have the dessert wrapped in plastic that my mom made. In my culture, we always bring something when we are getting invited. That is a rule, and very important to us. She made the best Guriev porridge and it's impossible for someone to not like it.

I know Vicky's taste in desserts, and she loves berries. She has to like it. I asked my mom to put a lot on the porridge.

I hug her and about to leave, but she opens her mouth.
"Pozhaluysta, ostav'te dver' otkrytoy, kogda vy s ney, ya khochu, chtoby vy ostavalis' chistymi, kogda ya zaberu vas."

"Please leave the door open when you are with her, I want you to stay pure when I'll be picking you up", she looks serious, pointing to the cross necklace hanging in the car.

"Mama, ya budu. Yeye roditeli vse ravno zdes'."
"Mom, I will. Her parents are here anyway."

I am not really interested in such sexual activities right now, which can be surprising for my age. I think it has a link with what I'm about to get diagnosed with.

I am closing the door, and she gets out of the car. "Podozhdi, ya khochu poznakomit'sya s yeye roditelyami."
"Wait, I want to meet her parents."

I shouldn't be surprised. She meets the parents of every single friend I have. No matter how far they are living. It's a must for her.

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