Chapter twenty three

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Jokes on you, I'm still alive.
Im not in an hospital bed either.
I got caught way before I jumped, and that person made me get off of the metal barrier of the bridge. My mom is still checking up on me 24/7, even if I'm trying to avoid her since she told everyone about my scars and diagnosis. Andrei is not home most of the time, and our relationship did not become better.

Two months passed and it's now summertime, two months that went horribly slow. I learned that Félix was born fatherless and grew up with an alcoholic mother. I guess he tried to find someone to pick on so he could feel better.

I texted him to let him know that I'm here for him if he needs it, but he insulted me instead to thank me. I give up. As if it was not enough, an hate account got created of me, posting pictures of Félix full of blood and everything that I did and supposedly said that aren't true. I thought that everything with him would be over, but it's not.

Many things happened in two months, I must tell. To begin, Michael became friends with me. "You are actually cool, Alexei. And you are a nice guy" he assumed when he saw me going back to school. "Even if I was messing with you all the time you still helped me."

Secondly, the final exams went awful, I didn't study for a bit.

Third, my French teacher got fired, because my coach, who wanted to speak with me after class, caught her hitting my face with her heaviest dictionary. She was stupid to let the door open.

She said she wanted to talk to me in private, and not surprisingly it was about me bring lazy and effortless. It justified her to hit me with her dictionary, I guess. The police station is waiting for her.

< ⚡️Vicky⚡️
Would you like to come over my house?

Iv been feeling bad a lot that I have been a little  distant with her. I still want to see her, even if life is still not easy for me. She's still the little sun-ray of hope in my heart.

It's a good idea, we haven't seen each other for a long time😊

Good! Join me then ;)

I'm calling Marco to ask if he could give me a lift because my mom wouldn't want to drop me off for sure.

"Let's go see your girl", he tells me before hanging off.

Within ten minutes, I saw his red car parked in front of my house.

"Where are you going, Alexei?" My mom asks me before I step outside.

"Hanging out with Marco, a colleague. I'll be home tonight."

"Since when do you go outside?" She asks me, concerned.

"Felt like it. Anyway, I gotta go." I close the door behind me, fast.

I don't have time for any interrogatory.
"Hey man!" He raises his hand to give me a high five.

"Hey", I high five back.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay, you?"

"As usual, good! Come on, get it."

I get next to him, and he turn on the songs from his playlist, really loud.

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