Chapter thirteen

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Let's pretend I need emotional support. The secretary would feel guilty to make me go to class.", I tell him, hoping that he'll accept to do this with me.

If I could, I would skip all classes. I can't even focus in class anymore anyway. Even days of school. I just want to stay in bed, and wait for time to pass.

"That's genius."

We are looking at each other, waiting for either him or me to say something to start our plan. "Alexei, go to the bathroom with me, I am thinking of something."

"What thing?"

"Pretend to cry."

"Oh heck no."

"I mean you wanted to skip class, come on, come with me!"

I am rushing to follow him and I feel books and insults getting thrown at me by many people of my level. My best friend sees them and throws their books at them, telling them to leave me alone. I think today will be horribly annoying because think about it; my and others' birthdays are exposed on the board. Everyone knows it's my birthday now.

"I hope they'll suffer one day, as you do.", he tells me, walking furiously.

I hope so too.

We are finally reaching the bathroom and we are looking around, making sure no one is in there. Emile is whispering still in case there are people.

"Make yourself red first, and then put water under your eyes."

That's what I'm doing, and I try to make my face red, which successfully works.

"Perfecto", he tells me, satisfied.

I am looking at the mirror and I realized that my eye bags are showing even more than before. I look pitiful, seriously

"Are you sure that it doesn't bother you to miss a class?"I am asking him to make sure that I don't get him in any trouble.

He is laughing and taking a big breath. "Are you kidding me? I'd rather die than be in math right now."

"Oh, that is for sure."

He is taking my shoulder and bringing him with me. "Make yourself look sad, now."

I am hiding my face with my hands and looking down at the floor. I hate doing this, but at least I will get to spend a whole period with my best friend, instead of sucking at arts.

"Uhm sir-" Emile is grossly laying his arms on the secretary's desk.

He is funny when he does that. He isn't the classiest guy ever.

"Hold on some seconds", the secretary tells him right before he finishes talking.

My guy is looking at me, subtly mimicking him. I hold my laughter and look down again. The man is hanging up the black landline phone and raising his face to look at us.

"Thank you for waiting dear. Is everything alright here?"

My best friend is stroking my back and lays his head against my arm.

"No... he is so sad that I think he won't be able to come to class...", he tells him, with an empathic looking face.

"What's going on, buddy?"

I am looking up at the secretary in front of me and I try to shake my lips a little bit to make it look more dramatic.

"It's just-it's just with a girl, sir..."

Yes, the secretary looks very empathic. I feel bad about us taking advantage of his empathy but I really don't feel like going to art class.

"Poor boy... I am so sorry. You are experiencing love right now and you should know it's never easy. Tell me, what is your name again?"

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