Chapter eleven

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Are you working this morning?

This is me, texting with her after hours. I didn't feel sleepy anymore. Not after this girl I only have eyes for texts me after she didn't for days.

Yes! What about you?


Well, that's great! We will see each other today

Hoping we won't have old ladies yelling after us because we didn't give her a plastic fork💀

Oh my gosh, I hope not 🥲

I am slightly smiling and realize it is three in the morning and we both are not sleeping yet. But I really don't care. I bet she doesn't either.

But really, I think you are doing very well for the first few days of work. Stress seems to not be a challenge for you.

Do you think so? Oh thank you! You were the one forming me after all...

For the first day yes, but let me tell you that you got used to it very fast😳

I am a fast learner 😆

You are

We keep on texting and even sending voicemails. Her voice is just amazing. Sweet and comforting. I could spend hours only listening to them...

I am waking  and  my dad is standing up, in front of me, not doing anything and tearing up. "Chto ty zdes' delayesh' papa"
"What are you doing here dad?", I am asking, not happy to see him.  "I pochemu ty plachesh'? ty nikogda ne delayesh'" "And why are you crying? You never do."

His mouth is shaking and he looks so weak. This is not my dad. He seems like another man this way. It's really disturbing..."YA ubil tvoyu mamu. Eto byl neschastnyy sluchay, klyanus'!""I killed your mom. It was an accident I swear!" he is crying out loud.



I am crying all the tears my body is having and my dad is trying to calm me."YA zhe govoril tebe, eto byl neschastnyy sluchay!" " It was an accident, I told you!"

No matter how much he'll tell me it was an accident, I'll never but ever accept this."eto vse tvoya vina papa" "It's all your fault dad", I am telling him full of rage.

"Klyanus', Aleksey, ya ne khotel."
"I swear Alexei I did not mean to."


"Aleksey... Poslushay menya"
"Alexei... Listen to me", my dad is telling me with a shaky voice.

"NO! YOU ARE A MONSTER!, I am shouting the loudest possible still with a face full of tears.


He is then trying to grab my arms but I am pushing them away from his hands and start to push him onto the ground, grabbing his neck very tight. "Teper' ty umresh' sleduyushchim. I namerenno" "Now you will die next. And intentionally.", I am telling him, ready to see him dead. "Aleksey... Prekrati seychas zhe..." "Alexei... Stop it right now..."

"Net, papa."
"No, dad."

"Pozhaluysta... Ne delay etogo... YA dolzhen pozabotit'sya o tebe i tvoyey sestre. Vy oba nuzhdayetes' vo mne...""Please... Don't do this... I have to take care of you and your sister. You both need me...", he is telling me, struggling to take my hands away from his neck.

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