Chapter twenty one

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Day eleven of getting diagnosed, I still am avoiding Émile and Félix can't stop looking at me, looking like he wants to choke me. Not only him, but the big majority of the class. I know what this is about and I am not about to forgive Émile yet. I think Félix and many of his friends went to the principal office, exactly because my old best friend snitched on them.

I didn't sleep well, and I am constantly looking at the clock to see when class will be over. It feels like it has been two hours that I'm waiting for it to be at one thirty, which is lunch time.

The second the bell rings, everyone is standing up and eagering to get out of class, while I slowly take my things and put my AirPods on. My friends are looking at me, but they are leaving and I find myself alone with my teacher. I'v noticed them pretty distant this morning, but I don't want to care anymore.

"Have a great day, sir", I tell my teacher.

"Have a great day too, Alexei", he smiles at me and I leave, with my school supplies in my covered arms. "I hope you'll, you know... Feel better."

I turn my head, looking at him with confusion "Why?"

"I've been observing you lately. It looks like you need some bright light in your life, Alexei."

I look at the hallway, and they do leave. "Uhm, if you say so. Have a great lunch."

"I know you are hiding all of that for yourself. Rest well, okay?"

I am slightly closing the door of the class because I know he always wants it to be closed. There are so many people walking to have lunch and I decide to go to the bathroom, staying there for the lunch break and having peace.

The second I see an empty cabin, I get in and close the door, sitting on the toilet.

< ⚡️Vicky⚡️
I miss u😻💋

Seeing her name in my notifications is the biggest highlight of my day.

I miss you too princess. A lot.


How is your day going so far? I am thinking of you

She is leaving me pen, but I try to not be bothered by this because she is probably with her friends having lunch right now.


У тебя депрессия??
Твоя мама рассказывает почти всем членам семьи
Будь сильным, я здесь для тебя, если ты хочешь поговорить💪🏻

You are depressed??
Your mom tells almost all family members
Hold on man, I'm here if you want to talk💪🏻

My mother told everyone in the family? I won't let that slide. Why would she do that? What would change if she does? What will I look like now to everyone?

Какого черта она всем рассказала?
Why the heck was she saying that to everyone?

Мамы такие. Они не могут оставить всё себе, им нравится устраивать драмы🤷🏼‍♂️
Moms are like that. They can't keep everything to themselves, they like to make drama🤷🏼‍♂️

Могу поспорить, что наши бабушки и дедушки, а также ваши братья и сестры теперь знают.
I bet our grandparents and your siblings know now.

Не волнуйтесь, я только что слышал, как мои родители разговаривали по телефону, мои сестры не слышали их разговоров
Don't worry, I just heard my parents talking on the phone, my sisters didn't hear their conversations.

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