Chapter 16: Immediate Threat

Start from the beginning

"Come on! Stop, stop, stop!" I all but growled out in exertion.

The truck skidded to a stop as its driver continued to try and press the gas. To keep him from trying to drive further, I delivered several kicks to the grill of the truck until I heard the engine pop and stutter before stopping altogether.
Exhausted, I detached the tethers from the buildings I stuck them to before collapsing to the ground. While I was trying to catch my breath, the driver of the truck stumbled out of the door. He mumbled something under his breath before making his way over to me. Before he could get too close, Wringer swung in and knocked him out with a surprise attack.

"I am so sorry for being late," She said, reaching out her hand to help me up. "Are you hurt?"

"Just a few bruises here and there." I answered, staggering on my way up.

"That was more than enough for one day. You did really well. Go on back to the agency and rest up. I'll help sort out the mess here, and we can talk later."

I nodded in affirmation and began to zip off. I didn't get far because my arms felt like they were burning up. Rather than risk tearing something in my arms, I just called a taxi to take me back. After a long ride, I arrived back at Wringer's agency where I immediately went to my dorm, got changed, and promptly fell asleep for the night.

The next morning, I felt completely rested. Thanks to my regeneration, I only felt a little sore from yesterday. I left my dorm and checked in with Wringer before getting suited up for today's hero work. Today seemed to just be a patrol day.
Wringer and I split up to keep watch over the city across a wider area. I spent the whole day swinging across buildings, giving people assistance, and checking out some landmarks when I had some free time. After a while, I stopped to perch on top of the Tokyo Tower. I had ended up wandering a bit of a ways off from Hosu City, but I was getting pretty good at traversing this urban landscape so I could return quickly if I needed.

During my short break, I felt my phone buzzing. I looked to see a text from Masa.

<[Yo, I hear you're doing hero internships]
<[How's yours going?]
<[oh wait you might be busy rn]

[nah, I'm on break for now]>
[but things have been going okay since Wringer's a good mentor]>

<[Good to hear]
<[But I worry about you sometimes, you know?]
<[Worried that you might get in over your head]
<[There're some real tough villains out there]

[well I appreciate you being worried]>
[but don't you worry about me]>

<[I gtg now, but be careful]

I started to head back towards Hosu City before it got too dark. After a bit of swinging, I arrived back just as the sun had set. Luckily, there were no major villain incidents like there were the past two days. I perched atop Wringer's agency to relax for a bit before turning in for the day.

...You know what? I should text Iida and see how he's holding up.

[How're your internships going?]>
[stop any villains recently?]>

I waited a bit for a response, but he hadn't replied even though it said he read it. 

Usually, Iida responds in a flash. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's still busy doing hero stuff.

Just then, a building in the distance exploded.

"The hell?" I said to myself. "So much for no villain incidents..."

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