First flight

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I went to put my suitcase into the overhead bin, or I guess the storage part in the airplane. Once I did that i quickly went to sit down so that the other people on the airplane could go sit down into their seat.

I went to the seat that was right beside the window, I sat down and took my hello kitty backpack off, I put it under the seat infront of me.

I would start looking for the seatbelt, finding it quite quickly and grabbing it, then buckling it in. I was still buckling it in when I felt a tap on my shoulder, once I finished, I turned to look at the person who tapped my shoulder, which had been Kenny Mccormick - and my crush. I quickly paused my music by pulling my phone out and taking my headphones off.

"Hey, you're already buckling? We aren't even like, ready to go yet."

"Well I just want to be safe!"

"Yeah, okay."

He turns away from me and looks to the seats beside us on the right. There was two other people sitting on that side, which were Stan and Kyle. Then some other people from our school were rather infront of us, them or behind us or them, but in different places. Cartman had been infront of Stan and Wendy infront of Kyle but beside Cartman.

I was about to ask something but then someone from the seat infront of Kenny, spoke up.

"Hey, are you guys excited for the trip?"

The guy spoke with a lisp, And he had been turned around from where he was seated. He could do that mostly because everyone who was getting on the plane already found their seat.

"Shut up Scott."

Cartman quickly responded then right after and said-

"Im Scott Malkinson and I have diabetes."

He made some sort of mocking voice of his lisp and Scott quickly turned away and I'm assuming he whispered a 'Whatever.' Because I had definitely heard something from him. I just shook my head slightly and put my headphones back on, and playing my music again, then put my phone away in my pocket.

I then looked up and looked at the air conditioner and lights, so I moved my hand to it and tried to adjust it, turning it a bit too much by accident the wrong way and feeling the cold air on me. I turned it the other way, making it stop and put my head back down.

I started to look out the window, and not too long after I could hear a voice coming from a speaker somewhere in the plane talking about something. I wasn't really paying attention since of my music, it was loud enough that I could still hear the voice but not really be able to hear if enough to make out the words without concentrating.

I could hear a slight sound of people putting their seatbelts on, while others were shuffling slightly. I would look out the window and watch as everything was kind of still. There were maybe one or two guys that would occasionally pass, going to do whatever it was they needed too. There was another plane but it didn't seem it would be moving until after us I would assume.

I felt a tap on my shoulder again and turned to see what it was for. There was a flight attendant standing in the row that we were in. I took my headphones off and then she started talking.

All she basically said was that the seats we were in were beside the emergency door and like how to open it and stuff. After that she walked away, the two "Super-Best-Friends" or so they like to say, started talking again while Kenny went on his phone, he had gotten it for his birthday from the two SBFs since they felt he should have one at some point, how sweet of them.

I put my headphones on for a last time, my music was still going so I didn't need to take my phone out. I waited a few minutes, a few songs going by, before the plane actually started to move, it was slow but it was moving.

A bit later, it started to move more, we were about to get into the air, then we actually got into the air, after what felt like forever when waiting.

Once we got into the air, it would be a smooth flight I guess you could say. I mostly looked outside the window, some comments from the outside from Kenny once in a while, and me replying. It went like that for most of it, and not too long after we were already going to land.

I never really liked the landing part, but I keep myself calm, and put my music loud to help calm myself and block out the sound of the plane skidding somewhat onto the ground as it slowed down. I was looking down to where my shoes where. Once the airplane wasn't making that horrid sound and was slowed, I looked back up and out the window.

I could see the plane turning, showing the next airport that we would be in soon. I put my music down and continued looking outside, I could hear some chatter but didn't bother to listen on what they were talking about. The plane continued to turn some times, it was getting dark but not much, though you could see the moon, and it was still mostly bright outside.

The airplane stops and some people already started to get up, I had been in the back part of the plane so we had to wait a bit longer, once most of the people in front had moved out of the plane, Kenny got up and grabbed his things out of the bin on top, and his bag that was under the seat, and swung it on. Then he walked forward and Stan did the same thing and right after Kyle did too. Then I did and I followed the three.

When we got out of the airplane, we walked into a hall and then into the airport. We headed to the next flight we would need to get to.

☆ The Trip ☆ - ☆ A South Park Bunny Fanfic ☆Where stories live. Discover now