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Recap- Shivaay suggests live in, Annika agrees. They meet  shivaay's ex meera who turns out to be annika's childhood friend.

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She stood admiring the beach view from the bedroom balcony. This house seemed perfect to start their life, she was more than convinced with this place. Shivaay engulfed her from behind , pulling all her hair to one side he stood fixing his chin to her shoulder. She inturn held his arm to wrap it tight around her. He smiled when she did that.

S- so, you like it?

A- hmm hmm.

S- just hmm?

A- it's not about the place for me, it's the person.

Shivaay kissed the spot on her shoulder just then,skin above the bone.

S- aww! I've started packing already. Tomorrow is fine for me.

Her reactions changed immediately.

A- so soon? You think my parents would agree at once?

S- sure not cause I know my parents won't too. I may sound selfish but that's how I want to be when it's about you, please prioritize us this time annie. We aren't doing anything wrong, in fact we waited for them, convinced them, we did everything we could.

He felt her grip loosening out, she moved to stand away from him.

A- you want me to elope or what?

Shivaay laughed out immediately.

S- come on Annika, we aren't teen kids. Why would I ask you to do that? Tell them you've decided and you're happy to come with me.

A- and what if they deny?

S- come to me anyways.

He didn't like the silence after that.

S - Annika it's not only you, even I have to do the same with my family!

He insisted holding her hand but she was still clueless of what she would tell them.

A- why is it so difficult for us alone?

She whispered this in a low tone and just leaned on his chest. Convincing them for marriage itself was a giant tedious task which they accomplished somehow. And it didn't happen immediately though, it took months, for all their efforts went in vain cause of these stupid superstitions. They're gonna kill her today, she feared.

S- I knew I had to deal with Tsunamis the day I fell for you, but now when I think of it, not only tsunamis I guess we have to deal with every calamity all at once.

Annika punched him slightly.

A- you think it's a joke, what will I tell Jo. He can't stay without me.

S- what about me then?

He complained showing some anger, annika rubbed his shoulders to keep him calm.

A- ok

S- what ok?

A- I'll start packing too.

She shouted this in his ears and he felt so joyous that he immediately picked her up , and twirled her around continuously.

She reached office by noon and started working  , with certain things still running in her mind though . Shivaay didn't share anything about his conversation with meera and she didn't choose to dig in too. She waited for him to initiate about it but he didn't till the very end . Of course Annika is aware of his past, his broken relationship, his love and all, he didn't hide things from her but the fact that it's her own friend didn't sit well for her.

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