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Annika was seated in the dining area, having breakfast. She then received a call, it was her childhood friend. They were even neighbors once.

A- hey hi cheater!

' you won't ever forget that will you Vero? '

A- not happening.

' I guess you won't help me now, bye.'

A- stop your drama and tell what you want.

' I want the list of good cost efficient PG's in your area.'

A- we spoke of this already, you are staying with me.

' no yaar,maa doesn't want me to trouble you for this '

A- doesn't seem so, you want to stay near your boyfriend I guess.

' Shut, I've not even met him since we last fought. I know it's all my fault ,I behaved too possessive and silly like an idiot. '

A- 'but he's too good' God I've heard this a hundred times now. Just go find him already.

' I will, but first give me a space to settle please. '

A- ok, will send you the info today, yeah bye!

Jenny seemed too much worried, the food in her plate remained untouched. She didn't like the fact that pinky had asked annika alone to do those ritual stuff.

J- why not shivaay too? This is about his wedding also right!

Annika cringed and sighed in displeasure, already she was going through a lot and when her parents kept pestering deep. It did no good.

A- I don't know. She asked me, so I tried.

Jenny wasn't a strict one, she was ok with her daughter's love but with a Hindu guy is where all the problems started. Not like the usual ones who would oppose different religions rather all she worried about was annika's comfort in that house.

Their expectations would be different, and Annika might struggle to meet each and everything. That's not how life should be, Jenny wanted her daughter to have an easy life that's it. When she spoke to Herald her husband about this, he opposed this entirely cause he had other plans. Annika's marriage with someone else, the only son of his best friend George. Annika had a tough time making both understand what she wanted.

One didn't want this at all, and the other was feared. Jenny met shivaay and it didn't take her much time to realize what he felt for annie. All that's fine, love is crucial but life beyond marriage is what for all this actually is . If there's no peace in it, nothing is worth  then. She didn't want anmika to regret things later when she's forced to  get accustomed .

It was John, annika's sweet little brother who couldn't see his sister being sad , he joined in the mission - make mom agree. He would fill his mother's ears with stories, stories about how his friend's parents who also had this kind of relationship and are living very happily together now. Jenny would scold him though, why would he discuss such stuffs at school, isn't integration and differentiation calculus hard enough.

Annika's stubbornness is what brought victory then. She promised Jenny that she'll never adjust for anything unless and until she has consent on it. Herald followed Jenny quickly, he knew Annika was never going to agree to his choice so that part was done already. What he demanded was extremely weird though. Five random dates with shivaay, and it did happen too. Poor shivika had to do everything that was demanded of them to somehow make things ok .

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