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She opened her eyes to see him present beside her , knelt down. Shivaay smiled waving his hand ,she silently turned to complete her prayer with the almighty . He waited , not wanting to disturb her . Annika took her time , a long span . He didn't know what to pray for because his prayer wasn't a list rather just a sentence.

Our wedding ,without any problems .

Because for him , he had everything in life as of now and all he could think of a need was her . It was a crucial one , so he prioritized that before anything. He was actually surprised on seeing her pray for such a long time. This has never happened before . So he thought of adding something to his list .

Fulfill her wish .

Considering the current circumstances , his wish and her's would just be the same but still be wanted to aid her .

Annika let a huge sigh and opened her eyes , staring at the Lord infront she gestured to do the cross and stood up . He followed her behind .

S- looks like you've got a big list annie , annie ...annika

A- hmm ?

S- I'm talking to you .

A- haan , nothing shivaay . Just randomly, was reading bible for sometime. I didn't realize time ...

Shivaay couldn't just accept this , she didn't look ok .

S- this is why I told you not to agree for all that !

A- shivaay it's not that, I'm telling you right

Both came out and walked towards the car.

S- annika if you had given me a chance I'd have somehow spoken to her and

A- they've already compromised a lot for us .

S - what happened that day was a calamity, earthquakes happen because of plate tectonics! Atleast  have some sense to realize it, it has nothing to do with astrology and all.

A- why that day then? Such an important day it was, for us.

He was pissed off completely.

S- oh please stop sounding like mom annie! You are not doing that, no need. I'll talk to mom.

A- I can't take any chances shivaay, I don't believe in all this but it's about your life.

S- so you're ready to sit and sing prayers in temple a whole day , hold a fast. You don't even know how things work at temples, why?

A- then what can I do!!

She shouted suddenly, the whole crowd there watched her. He shook his head and opened the door , she settled inside murmuring something to herself. When he came around and took the driver seat, she resumed showing how frustrated she actually is.

A- then what do I do? The astrologer checked our horoscopes and declared we shouldn't be together, he said something might happen to you after marriage. I don't believe all this, god I don't even know how it works it was your mom who wanted to consult him after the earthquake incident. And when she told me this, how do you think I'd have felt? Maybe if I do all these stuffs, we can have a chance I don't know!

She cried looking the other side, he approached to console her but she stopped him right away.

A- please, drop me at home that's enough.

Pinky arranged the necessary items on the plate while reciting some prayers. From since she knew about the horoscope, she hadn't slept only. Her only dear son is all that matters for her. When he first came and said he loves a Christian girl, she was very angry on him. Customs, traditions, these are like etched in a person's soul from birth to death, this is her theory. She was never close to even think of giving him a chance.

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