Chapter 14 (Navia)

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Howdy, Howdy. Yep I'm here to drop off the next lemon. AND I'M SORRY THIS HAVE TAKEN ME SO LONG! I wasn't planning for me get so busy in IRL. And well....originally this is what I thought was going be the winner of the certain voting session between the characters, Layla, Keqing, Charlotte, Kokomi, Shenhe, Navia. BUT!

I of course let the voting continue for at least a WHILE...and if you follow the parts on A03 or the 'chapters' on Wattpad. Layla won that voting session. Which I WAS VERY SHOCK ABOUT.

I'm sure many of you are wondering by what are the result were. When I started to write the chapters, Well given some of you ACTUALLY listen aka; voting twice by reading both lemon or you know...commenting. The results were at the time of writing this. Are:

Layla: 6

Keqing: 2

Charlotte: 1

Kokomi: 6

Shenhe: 0

Navia: 8 (+1?)

These the voting at the currently point when I started the drafted up. And well if you read the Layla lemon you know the ending results were. 

 if you don't know the that +1? I'll explain again it because PEOPLE DON'T LISTEN! Wattpad reader they listen...well some of y'all by actually reading and picking. While A03....they....I made rules as simple as possible! Read both lemon and you said the two. The problem can when you want to vote for one but say two others names in the process it made it difficult to make sure I add the score up. THANKFULLY some of you comment again after I ask can you clear your vote up so i know for person didn't. Which would came an issue if one person didn't text me in my inbox (were friends so it was ok) that he remove one of his votes and gave it to Navia. 

And I felt it was going to Author choice but thankfully it didn't. Even if it did, to make it fair so their no bias or me trying something. I'll put their name in a wheel and let that decided. Like I said in the past I had a lemon plan for all these ladies...I wasn't lying. I just didn't know who I wanted do first.

And then we get to the SECOND VOTING POLL! so for one let me make this clear and a little funny; so when I do the wheel I sometimes have to hit again because I'm not going lie the wheel sometimes choose the same characters a few times over and over. What do I choose Navia....THREE TIMES! THREE! Back to back before it landed on someone else.

So if you ever wonder why she's has been in the past few voting session it's because the wheel was picking her. And this before her quest and 4.2 DROP! (We know the wheel as favorite now).

But was the results from the last voting session that wasn't in the last chapter..

But now here we are and the results for this voting session between; Fischl, Navia, Collei, Eula, Rosaria, and Yae Miko. And...well the results are....let me tell you

Coming in at last sharing the same amount of votes with 8; Fischl and Rosaria (Mondstadt doesn't stand a chance man!)

Coming in third with a shocking 10 votes; Collei (you know I'm just happy she actually did well and wasn't in dead last).

Coming in second with 12 votes is; Eula (This one shock me; she had a chance! But people DON'T WANT TO LISTEN! So for all you Eula fan who wanted a lemon and upset she didn't. You know who. Next time vote because she keeping up for a while. You can't blame anyone but each other for this one).

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