Chapter 4 (Shenhe)

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Howdy, Howdy yes I'm here to drop ANOTHER lemon off; I been on a roll with these. (It also help one of my default setting is Horny and angst LOL!)

So here we are; and who did I decided I to be the lucky lady next that get's the Harem archon godly ROD!?! Well it's one of the THICC waifu of genshin another member of the 'if cyro why hot' club; SHENHE!! Wonder how many guess that.

I'm going be honest; I'm surprised there not a lot of her with Aether let it be one shots or lemon like Genshin has made it clear she ONE OF THE MAINS ONES AS WELL who clearly has feeling for Aether. 

But sadly, the same sex shipping are just to powerful (Shenhe x Yelan) Also, can someone PLEASE explain to me where the fuck that ship came from!?! Like actually because it I thought because some event or dialogue have for each other but I for the life of me cannot find where the hell this ship came from and why it's so popular!?! I was legit confused!?

But not to take up too much of you all time, because we all know why we here, we here to read another Aether ****ING down another waifu from this game. Adding another one to pile ladies and gentlemen. I told you, I got you! I will provide with some sauce (only in the fanfic department can't draw to save my life).

I will say I try my best; this was a little more tricky to write I try to stick with the character as best I could I hope you all like it, beside that; 



We found ourselves in Aether teapot on this fine afternoon. Why? Currently, our MC Aether decided to help a good 'friend' he made from Liyue. This friend was a female; she had hair parted off-center with evenly cut locks that flow just past chin-length framing her face, one side covering her right eye, the rest styled in a low, loose, thick braid fastened at the top below her shoulders with a red cord tied in a bow with her Cryo Vision mounted on it.

Her outfit consists of a black backless bodysuit that fades into a dark turquoise at the legs and has intricate patterns. It extends to her hands, covering her middle fingers with a gold stud on each knuckle. At the back of her bodysuit is an article resembling coattails, consisting of white fabric patterned with gray. She wears a cropped white-and-gray sleeveless qipao top over her bodysuit, aka Shenhe.

Shenhe came to Aether this morning, asking him for help with a task. What was that task? Aether didn't know for sure; when he and Paimon came across her, she only said it was something he could do because he was the opposite gender.

Not fully understanding but being a good person, Aether offers to help her later in the afternoon once he finishes his daily commission and checks on a few things. And that is where we are now since Shenhe doesn't like public places. Aether thought it would be a good idea to help her in the safe of a place no one could bother them, Paimon and his teapot.

Aether: "Alright, Shenhe we should be good, you mention you didn't want Paimon for this?"

Shenhe: "Ah yes, not that I don't mind her, it's just well, it's something I learn only two people are needed."

Aether: "Ah ok, well care to tell me what it is? I will try to help as best I can."

Shenhe was silent for a good minute; Aether could tell Shenhe was in deep thought, even with her neutral expression; Aether had gotten used to Shenhe's personality and understood how she was feeling a bit. Or it could be that Shenhe opened up a lot more to him and Paimon than anyone else; she always had trouble socializing with other people who weren't adept or the two adventures.

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