Chapter 26: Taken again ❤️

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Y/N's perspective:

I can't believe it. I'm dating the guy of my dreams. No, literally! This week has been the best week of my entire life. After Min Ho broke up with Chloe as fast as he possible could, he took me out.

*Recap of the first date*

Text messages!

Min Ho: Hi Y/N pie! I'm outside the girls dorm building right now! R you ready? Sent at 4:50pm

Y:N: be out in a min! Sent at 4:56pm

Min Ho: Okay pretty 😍 Sent at 4:57pm

Y:N: I'm here! Sent at 5:46pm

Min Ho: Finally :) Sent at 5:46pm

"Hey!" I said cheerfully as I watched Min Ho climb out of his car and opened my side of the car.

"Here you go queen." He said as he bowed elegantly.

"Why thank you peasant!" I giggled as I climbed into my seat. He closed my door before sitting in his own seat.

"Sorry I took a while, I was busy thinking of THE outfit." In the end, I picked out a white corset top with high-waisted comfy jeans and some black heels.

He smiled. "No problem, I don't mind my lady dressing extra pretty to meet his prince."

I nudged him. "Your being over dramatic."

He shook his head. "I never lie pretty." He said as he held my hand. It felt so perfect and cozy, I loved every second of this!

Min Ho started the car as I turned up the music and listened to Olivia Rodrigo's new album called GUTS.

"How's this song?" I asked, when it had ended.

Min Ho took of sip of his coffee. "What's it called again?"

I laughed. "Pretty isn't pretty."

"Oh." "That one's actually good so 8/10." "But you're always pretty Y/N."

I blushed a little. "Min Ho being flirty."

He smiled. "Only to my lady."

Min Ho and I haven't kissed yet. I wondered how that'll feel like? Will I feel the fireworks or will I feel emptiness like all of the other guys who have kissed me? Only god would know.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked curiously. Min Ho wouldn't tell me.

"It's a surprise." He whispered. I sat at the edge of my seat, thrilled to see what he has planned. Even though Min Ho has been gentle and sweet, I was still super guilty of all the heartbreak and ache I caused him. So I needed to protect him from getting hurt. No matter what.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, turning to music down a little. I shrugged and just looked straight ahead.

"How much longer, I can't stand another minute in this car." I complained jokingly, we'd been in the car for over 30 minutes now.

"Just sit for a little longer Y/N pie." He cooed, making me blush from embarrassment.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

He just smirked at me before turning his focus back to the road.

Was I being mean to Chloe? Was this my fault that Chloe no longer had Min Ho? Wait, but she's the one who made me miserable without feeling guilty at all, why should I feel guilty then?

"Y/N, we're here."

Rubbing my eyes, I glanced up at Min Ho who was smiling at me cheerfully.

"Min Ho I'm sorry." I started quietly.

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